originally posted at
awmp on 11/20/04
some quick and easy tips and tricks in Photoshop for absolute beginners (I'm not that good myself, but some starting tips I can manage):
- the sharpening filter is your friend. use it. (filters - sharpen - sharpen)
- auto-levels, auto-contrast, auto-color can do wonders. try it. not all at the same time, sometimes they make everything worse but in general at least one of them will enhance your cap. (ctrl+shift+alt+L=auto-contrast, ctrl+shift+L=auto-levels, ctrl+shift+B=auto-colors [this one only Photoshop 7.0 and above])
- I have mentioned the sharpening, right?
- A.S.P.E.C.T.R.A.T.I.O.! use the cropping tool and set it to a fixed size (100x100) don't forget to set the resolution either (screen resolution is 72 dpi, I use 100 though because I'm superstitious...)
- get to know the layer blending modes. that's the left pull down menu in your layers pallette, where normally you can read 'normal'.
- don't be afraid of transparency. if you're using a coloring layers e.g. you don't have to use it at 100 %. try to make it more transparent
- don't be afraid of the eraser. if you're using texturing layers e.g., don't be shy and use the eraser for parts that should be seen more clearly
- there's a reason why standard fonts are that popular. Arial and Times New Roman are very good fonts. and they work on icons, too! who knew...
- drop shadow looks in most cases better than outlined text and it makes the text readable as well
on to two very easy icon styles...
the results:
on 01 I duplicated the background layer, lowered the saturation (Image - Adjustment - Hue/saturation) to -50, duplicated this layer again, set the layer mode to screen and the transparency to 50% to make it lighter.
the next layer is a gradient, set on color and 50% transparency, as you can see it's a light yellow and a light bluegreen. the next layer is a simple white frame. then there is the text layer with a drop shadow. and the last layer on top is a copy of the whole icon (select all, ctrl+shift+C for mergecopying) that is sharpened a lot and set on 20% transparency. that's all. all layers that contain the original cap were sharpened several times.
on 02 I used a red layer (#7F1212) set on Exclusion and 50% transparency for coloring, then the original layer again set on screen and 50% to make it lighter, another coloring layer set on Multiply (#EAD8A9). the next layer contains this little box at the bottom (color #E6DDD1). two text layers... the last layer is again a sharpened mergecopied version of the icon set on 50% transparency.
easy, right?
I used these styles on the following icons. none of them took longer than 3 minutes. and they only contain this little number of layers... try it, please.