Rivalrose had a post of a long ass questioniare,But it was good, She made a point it is a good way to others to get to know you.So I am going to post my answers and I would like some of you to take a few minutes and answer some damn questions,lol. and post your name,answers
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Comments 5
1. Name:
2. Location:
3. Age:
4. Zodiac sign:
5. Shoe size:
*sigh* I hate my feet *tear
6. Height:
5' 8"
7. Eyes:
8. Pets:
I had pets and now I only have 1 fish left
9. Siblings:
oh.. LOLZ Matthew, Shawn, Justin, Chad
10. Your mom and dads name:
Venita and Mark
11. Hair:
Dark red Auburny.. thinking of changing to Blonde ( feels like a change)
12. Hair length:
Long.. ya'll sawed it in my pic
13. Ever dyed your hair?
yea haha'
14. Are you good at what you do?
Um... er.. LOLZ depends on what I'm doin' ;)
15. Nicknames:
20. Do you play sports?
used to a ton.. not so much anymore.
21. Are you a night or a morning person?
I'm both.. I am NOT an afternoon person..
22. Are you ticklish?
23. Do you believe in God?
24. What's your screenname?
um.. DUH!
25. Do you have braces?
26. Do you brush your teeth?
um YEA! WTH? who doesn't?
27. What do you want to be when you grow up? hahaha good question.. eh 2nd or 3rd ( ... )
58. Concerts you have been to:
Foo Fighters Moody Blues..Led zeplin (not zepplin just the rest of the band^^)Destiny's Child.. Tool.. Garth Brooks.. Springsting.."smouldreing sheep" a small small band" very good though ..and Shania Twain
9...go figure
59. Meat:
60. Pizza topping:
I like just plain cheese, but green peppers are nice, too
61. State:
So many states are beautiful at different times of the year
62. City:
New Orleans
63. Feeling:
HOPE I love that feeling
64. Emotion:
Love well love is more than an emotion.. but nevertheless I will go with love
65. Number:
20 :P just cuz
66. Books:
"The Unbearable Lightness of Being" by Milan Kundera Love that book..and "Danny the Champion of the World" by Roald Dahl
67. Cereal:
I don't eat cereal all that much if I do its either Raisen Bran or Honey bunches of oats with almonds
..In the past 24 hours have you
68. Had a serious talk?
yes.. with myself
69. Hugged someone?
yes .. my Daughter
70. Fought with a friend?
nope71. ( ... )
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