oh my god i am such a bad community owner creys. school started which is not only taking my time but its also emotionally taxing, so i've been kind of down lately and such. but i'm back with the winner of the fanmix contest! the entires were really awesome, and it was hard to decide, but emma seemslikeaporno won!
she got the pairing down really well, especially the characters and how they'd feel, so yay! you're prize is the privlidge of winning which is a great prize amirite. you'll also get featured on the group's bio and a fic from me using one of your songs and the pairing you chose, since the selections were so awesome (though this would've applied to anyone else if they'd won).
i know me writing something isn't the best prize because i have no talent, but whatever. anyhow, what contest do you guys want to do next? i was thinking of choosing some lyrics from a few songs i like and making you guys write something using them as inspiration, but i'd love to hear your suggestions and opinions!