Settling In

Sep 06, 2011 01:39

WHO: Legion 1183_geth and YOU
WHAT: Legion settles in to Axiom Nexus, running a few errands along the way.
WHERE: Beginning in Zone 1 and he moves into Zone 3
WHEN: Backdated to just before Garrus Vakarian's first entry (Garrus is free to stop by, set a bit later)
WARNINGS/NOTES: No warnings that I'm aware of - just a sad geth platform, or what equates to sad in pure mathematics. :c
Also, I should mention, if this is ever confusing: I know there technically is no 'he' for Legion. There is 'it' and 'them'. But I get lazy and I like to offer a more personal pronoun to the nifty little platform when talking OOC. Just to clarify~

There is a geth platform - and the 1,183 geth remind themselves over eight thousand times per second that it is in fact the only geth platform within this universal stream - walking down the streets of Zone One, its pace not altogether hurried, but not languid either. It is what organics would call 'deep in thought' - mathematical codes and programs all speaking to one another at the speed of light, all building consensus and attempting to sift through all of the new information collected.

Unfortunately, all of the information gathered takes approximately four point two seconds to sift through, categorize, and file away for proper dissemination at a later time.

The geth move on to prioritizing future actions.

Their first consensus is that the platform requires a place of privacy, a place to recover from any potential injuries to its person. Their second consensus is that it requires a database to store all gathered data on Axiom Nexus, to ensure all higher runtimes are not swamped with junk data. Their third consensus, less than a thousandth of a second later, is that specific resources are required to achieve this goal, and confirmation of the existence of these resources is essential.

Limited data has been collected via the Network, and although Legion is grateful to have something in its memory core to help assess the situation, the lack of Shepard-Commander's presence here is conflicting.

Her lack of presence here means that she is likely still within her own universal stream - their universal stream - and in that respect the Reaper invasion is still being handled appropriately. That the rest of the crew is safe. Shepard-Commander is safe. However, there are no guarantees that this is absolute. There is no way for the geth to know - all manner of possible probabilities are considered in the span of a second or two, pointless calculations that will never be proven.

Legion is left to self-determinate, and find a way off this planet on its own.

There is a swift consensus as Legion's single ocular ring spies a brawling pair of Cybertronians down the street:

Self-preservation is key.

The geth understand this concept but this singular platform has never initiated it at the level it does now, and it rings with crystal clarity in all higher-order runtimes.

If this platform fails, or is offlined, there is no back-up data. There is no hard-link FTL comm buoy to send to the multitude to preserve the unique platform's purpose, and this has never happened to the geth before this instance.

Their memories would not live on. Their experiences would not be shared. The multitude would miss the loss of the 1,183 geth stationed in Axiom Nexus for an indeterminate amount of time, and never know why.

This outcome... was not preferable.

There are files on the theory of fear, of hopelessness, depression, anger, frustration, jealousy, all manner of organic responses to this situation, and yet the geth cannot find a reasonable equivalent to the mathematical code, the erroneous discomfort settling into its programs like a ghost in a machine.

The Geth Pulse Rifle is no longer holstered, instead cradled in the synthetic's arm with a level of care that mimicked those of organic species to a T. All of the files recorded of Shepard-Commander, her superior code and battle strategies, her survival in the eyes of chaos and almost absolute impossibility, all of them are accessible to this singular platform at the same time, because this is its purpose. And they are carried out with the efficiency no human could ever hope to possess.

Legion begins previously meditated actions.


Nine hours later - after setting up a proper bank account, loan, and all manner of other organic necessities for proper citizenship into Axiom Nexus - Legion stands in its new residence, glancing around at the empty warehouse space in Zone Three that will serve as a place of safety and reclusion.

It is not a home ('"Home" is recognized patterns, known spaces, familiar thought processes of fellow sapients. is belonging.'), but it is satisfactory.

Legion has not forgotten its previous responsibilities. The platform leaves, moving back out into the street to mingle with those that don't even spare it (or the Pulse Rifle cradled in its arm) a second glance, and it moves first in the direction of Creator-Heterodyne's laboratory.

[ooc: This post is entirely open to anyone who finds Legion on his way to his places of necessity (namely Agatha Heterodyne and Slipstream) or caught him while he was moving around between the three Zones, or anyone who wishes to contact him once he's settled in his little warehouse. Those two posts will be closed specifically between them, otherwise feel free to tag in.]

transformers: animated | slipstream, mass effect | legion

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