The Fish Legacy - 01.01 (...again)

Apr 01, 2019 07:00

Axolotl: ...Again?

I missed you. And besides, I wanted to change the resolution of the screenshots.

Axolotl: *sigh* Let's get this over with.

For those who didn't read my previous attempt at this legacy: Axolotl is a Creative Music Lover who Loves Outdoors. She dreams of one day becoming a Musical Genius.

Axolotl: I bet everything in your wallet I can get the bartender to take me home tonight.

Mortimer: Bet.

Cassidy: Um. I'm right here, you guys.

Axolotl: ...And?

Cassidy: I'm down.

Baako: Dang, she's good!

They play a round of Don't Wake The Llama before heading to one of the karaoke bars in San Myshuno.

Cassidy: She's not going to be a better singer than me, is she?

Yeah...I wouldn't worry too much about that.

Don't get too attached, Axolotl.

Except...I'm the one who needs to worry about getting too attached. Cassidy's downright adorable, but because she's a CAS Sim she's not a viable legacy spouse.

Our first celebrity sighting!

Malcolm: ...I thought she'd be taller in person.

Axolotl: Did you know it's good luck to kiss a Fish after every round of karaoke?

Cassidy: Is she serious with that line?

She is.

I wasn't going to take time away from their date, but winning a Karaoke contest probably means winning money so....

Not bad!

...But not good enough.

Well, at least she's earned herself a consolation prize makeout buddy.

And a nice warm bed to sleep in.

Er...WooHoo in.

Outside, Cassidy's brother (and roommate) is giving the apartment a wide berth.

He stays outside even after it begins to snow.

Cassidy: ...What have I done?

Cassidy: Um. It's time to get up. I have to go to work.

Axolotl: But I wanted to stay in a nice warm bed all day.

Me too, buddy. Me too.

Ollie: Stupid snow. Ruining my midnight game of avoid-the-apartment. I mean, basketball.

It's okay, buddy. They're both awake and dressed. You can go inside if you want.

I had been banking on Cassidy cooking breakfast so we could avoid getting kicked out for "inappropriate behavior," but Cassidy couldn't use the counters because someone didn't pay attention to which version of Don't Cook Food Where You Angry Poop they installed before starting up the game. 🙄

(It was me)

Luckily, Cassidy has already left for work and Ollie's still outside.

Correction: Ollie was still outside.


Axolotl: Just a minute. I'm almost done.

Ollie: Why is she still in my house?

I think the real question is: why is this woman wearing a swimsuit, stockings, and wrestling mask while standing outside in the snow?

Masked Woman: Stop judging me!

Once all her needs are in the green, I send Axolotl back to the karaoke bar to practice singing.

I mean, if Axolotl's going to be a Musical Genius, we're going to do it right and max all of the music-related skills before she dies.

Except for DJing. Can you imagine Axolotl as a DJ? I can't.

Brytani makes another appearance, this time in the room where Axolotl is showing off her skills.

Axolotl: Um, excuse me? You're kind of stealing my spotlight.

Gino: Are you CRAZY? That's BRYTANI! If you want to be in the sportlight, you gotta stand right next to her!

Axolotl: Hm. Right next to her, you say?

Axolotl: Brytani! Buddy! Wanna take a picture with me?

I'm not sure that's how you convince a celebrity to take a photo with you, but okay.

Brytani: We cute.

Axolotl: Now that we're best friends, can I have your autograph so I can immediately sell it?

Brytani: Sorry kid. I don't support charities. It's bad for my image.

Axolotl: Ooh. This will probably be worth something!

It wasn't.

Axolotl: Now that I've got you alone...

Axolotl: Can I get an autograph? For normal, non-selling reasons?

Dirk: You mean for hanging up on your bedroom wall and kissing like a teenage girl?

Axolotl: Uh...yes?

Axolotl: I'm going to be so rich!

She's not.

Oh, hey, Cassidy.

Actually...we were just using you for your nice, warm bed. But thanks for calling us, I guess?

Right after that, Baako invited us to the Humor & Hijinks Festival.

Baako: Dude! You're, like, glowing! That's so weird, man!

...Isn't that why you brought her here?

Axolotl spends an inordinate amount of time taking sneaky photos of celebrities.

And by "celebrites," I mean "Judith".

Just Judith.

No one else.

Baako: You should start a celebstigram! You would make bank once the sponsors started rolling in!

Orrrr you could just sit down and successfully introduce yourself, I guess.

Judith left immediately after the introduction, so Axolotl and Baako spent the rest of the festival building this snowpal.

Hooray! Now we can purchase the Knight of the Octagon Table statue and earn the Extreme Start point.

But first....

Axolotl: Hey, thanks for letting me stay at your place!

Axolotl: I can see sounds!

Not quite the comfy couch we were hoping for, but at least she's indoors.

Okay. These two are officially my favorite game-generated Sims.

Lady: I will fight anyone who judges my fashion choices!

Man: Don't be ridiculous. No one in this city understands fashion.

Yes, these are slightly out of order, but I couldn't reveal the full majesty of this gentleman's outfit too early.

I should mention I have a thing where I like my Sims to "earn" their careers. Baako's in the Entertainer career, so I imagine he would have a pretty good lead on venues looking for musicians.

Your destiny awaits, Axolotl!

Not that destiny.

That's better.

Axolotl: You again.

Brytani: *sparkle* *sparkle*

A crowd this size would be great if they weren't solely there for Brytani.

Axolotl: Could you pleeeeease stop showing up every time I perform?

Brytani: Heh. Not a chance. This is too much fun.

Total Points: 1/106
+ Family (Generation 01)

the sims 4, the fish legacy, g01

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