Last time on The Fish Legacy:
Kayla and Axolotl got engaged, and married, and Tried for Baby a lot.
Kayla: I don't want to be pregnant! I just want to be fit.
You can be both?
You can't be wealthy, though. Wealthy is a future generations thing.
Why are you making that face, Elsa?
Ah. The kitchen is a mess.
And the chef has a pan stuck to his hand.
And the area outside of the kitchen is also a mess.
After their brunch date, Kayla and Axolotl work on their respective New Years resolutions.
Don: So, I heard if I approach you with a lame pick-up line while you're working out, you'll divorce your current spouse for a less famous one.
Kayla: And I heard if you mind your own business, you won't get your ass whooped by a hopefully pregnant lady.
I know I said I wanted to avoid earning too much money too fast, but I kind of love that Kayla's starting out halfway up the career ladder.
A moment later, Kayla completed her New Year's resolution. She is winning at life!
Wait. Nope. I spoke too soon.
Kayla: There were pots and pans all over the FLOOR. How could you NOT know your food would make customers sick?
Between Axolotl's music money and the food poisoning compensation, we finally have enough money guessed it: a small house rennovation!
They have an actual kitchen now.
Well, I mean, they have one room that's the bedroom, kitchen, and dining room.
There's a bathroom, too, but it's way too small to properly snap a screenshot of, so have this adorable screenshot of Mayor Whiskers playing with a ball instead.
Kayla looks like she's trying to remember how to use a kitchen.
Kayla: Still got it!
Weird thing to be proud of, but okay.
Oh, hey! I did take an overhead screenshot. Now you can see the bathroom!
Axoltol: So, what do you say we Try For Baby tonight?
Kayla: Haven't we done that three times already?
To be fair, the first two times the Try For Baby percentage was set to 20%, but I've since adjusted it up to 60% so she should definitley be pregnant by now!
For those who noticed Mayor Whiskers eyeing their food in that last screenshot, here's a screenshot of him eating it.
Cheeky bugger.
This makes round number four.
Kayla: ...I don't feel so good.
Since it's taking so long for Kayla to get pregnant, I figured Axoltol's next song should celebrate the sweet, sweet life of two incomes and no kids.
I'm pretty certain it's that song that bumped her up to B-Lister.
And here we have our first papparazo!
The crowds around her when she plays in public are increasingly large.
Gino: I'm the one who told her she should get in good with Brytani. I'm the one she should be writing songs about. Not her family life! ME!
Real talk: I love him a lot and have flagged him to never die.
While she was playing, I noticed this moodlet, but didn't think much of it.
Then this moodlet happened, but a little anger never negatively impacted a Sim forever, right?
See? Only good things could come of this!
Except...then this happened, and now I regret everything.
It's okay, Axolotl. Sometimes I, too, wake up in the middle of the night and stew over a thing that won't matter ten years from now.
An hour after Axoltol finally goes back to sleep, Kayla (also angry, from lack of Juice) gets out of bed.
Kayla: But--my bodybuilder career!
I mean technically you are still building a body. It's just not your body you're building for a bit.
Kayla: Your puns are terrible and you should feel terrible for making them.
I was hoping Axolotl would have a cute reaction to Kayla's Share Big News, but....
At least Kayla has some morning sickness I can screenshot.
And we're just one song away from Axolotl completing her New Year's resolution!
At first I was upset about this, but I don't really see her as someone who wants to be famous.
Fishing suits her, though, I think.
I'm no chef, but I'm fairly certain you have to turn the spice container upside-down to use it, love.
Axolotl rolls this whim a lot. ♥
And Mayor Whiskers spends quite a bit of time sleeping on the counters.
Kayla needed to gain charisma to get her next promotion, so....
Well, I mean. It's true.
Kayla: Guess what? I'm finally starting to show!
I'm making changes to their living situation pretty rapidly, so here-- have another screenshot of their home.
They now have a separate bedroom, and the media station takes up a good half of the main room.
Kayla teaches herself some video editing.
And what do you know? Everyone loves a good rant video!
We missed saying yes to this when it popped up originally, but I'm curious to see how Cassidy's doing so....
Whoa! She's living in a penthouse now??
Cassidy's older child, Casandra, is running around outside without adult supervision downright adorable. Look at that button nose! And those chubby cheeks!
I'm going to consider this a sneak peek into what their children might look like when they are finally born.
I would actually really love to see this combination of facial features on at least one of their children.
Cassidy: I invited you to my home, not your wife!
Axoltol: *is oblivious, as always*
Cassidy and Casandra have similar personalities, it seems.
Since neither of their parents are taking care of their children, I have Axolotl change and feed the baby.
Then play with the toddler.
Well, she certainly does an excellent job of ignoring her children.
Holy hand paddles, Batman!
I wanted to see if Kayla had the option to Swim, so once they were done with Cassidy, I sent them to Stargazer lounge.
Kayla: Um, actually, it's pretty chilly outside. I would rather not be swimming.
Axoltol finished her fourth song (To: My Life, With Love) which means....
Hooray! Both Kayla and Axolotl have completed their resolutions!
Enjoy this moment of happiness while it lasts, Axolotl.
Because I completely forgot I installed a miscarriage mod in my game. 🤦🏾♀️
Not now, Catarina! We have to get Kayla to the hospital!
At least we're not alone?
*cries forever*
Total Points: 3