Happy Michealmas!!
Autumnal Equinox passed and now, I savor the flavor of the cold snapping air.
Through five strokes of serendipity and a twist of lime, I purchased a book previously glanced only from afar.
The conjunction of growing night and a new book to alight from the heavens, places me in swaddling contentment.
Habituating through the years to prefer the cooler tenebrae, I activate while others hibernate.
For years, I promised myself to write my miscellany. The gathering tomes and scraps of memoranda over decades speedily amass into an impressive disarray.
Thoughts inspire me,typically, without formal means of notation. Thus, I grab whatever rests too closely that suits.
I bought hard-bound, lined books to recieve the gleanings of ages, yet, the majority remain only pretty cover art.
I label this my 'long-term project'. Every Autumn, I resolve to embark, yet end the season left at the pier.
I catch myself admitting the originals often hold a deep sentimental value. Several of these bent, wire-bound notebooks and stuffed-to-overflowing pocketed folders followed me since early adolescence. Secondarily, the crestfallen confession that the state my hands prohibit any legible handwriting, deflates the drive.
The tactile sensations of the paper under my hand is it slides over it and the texture of the writing utensil compound with the music of crunching nibs and sharp, snapping rustles.
A keyboard reminds me too much of a long, dull hum. The verve wanes too quickly staring at a blank screen contrasted with the blazing hot fire that rolls within paper.
The organizational need spikes whenever I attempt to unearth a sliver of knowledge I know, unequivocably, resides in the treasure trove. Dereliction of duty, or not, needs must.
But that's for another time!
Now means the moment is with holiday wish lists!
For those unsure of what I seek, find and cannot afford, I supply the list and I do assure them all of the truth that these items are well-considered and carefully chosen.
I shall lose myself in that tonight!