Title: Bittersweet Melodies
Pairing: I wrote it with OnKey in mind, but it doesn't have to be. :O
Rating: G
Genre: Angst
Summary: The melody plays on as long as he is here.
Notes: I assume this would be a drabble since it's only 180 words long. :O Inspired by the song Love Me by the totally-awesome Yiruma. :D
Long fingers lightly tapped the ivory keys, flowing fluidly as the melody played softly, endlessly.
The melody will never stop - you will never stop playing, as long as he is here.
Endlessly watching, endlessly smiling; you will keep tapping the smooth ivory keys, playing the beautiful, sweet melody.
But times change. Feelings change.
He stops watching; slowly, he starts to turn away. His hand slips from yours.
Don't. Don't let go.
Your fingers quicken on the keys, the music starts to quicken to match your increasing heartbeat.
He turns back to look at you, but already his hands are reaching out to someone else.
Those hands you once held are now enveloped in someone else's.
And the boy, the boy you cherished the most, is now in someone else's arms.
"I really like this song."
"Really?" You gently play the first tune of the sweet melody. "I'll always play it for you." Forever.
He slowly begins to walk away, and the melody turns bittersweet.
You tap the final notes, and the melody echoes, and slowly fades into nothing.
Where did this come from? I don't know. Two reasons for writing this fic - I wanted to try second-person writing? (if that makes sense, so it's like I'm speaking to them.) Main reason though, is that there has been a complete lack of OnKey (as in Jinki-Kibum interaction) recently, ever since Y.O.U. promotions, and it genuinely annoys me, really it does. My inspiration to write OnKey has also began to dry up. Sad times for 2010. D:
Other than that, this is completely up to your judgement. "You" could be Jinki and "he" could be Key, or vice versa, it's up to you. ;D (Though whether Key can actually play the piano, I'm not sure.) Also other than that, sorry if this depressed the hell out of you /bricks self
But comments are loved? :D <333