Title: Little Fragments
Pairing: Side pairing: 2min, Main pairing, you'll find out when you read it xD
Rating: G
Genre: Angst
Summary: The clock is ticking, and the memory fades.
Notes: Character death. D;
Sometimes it's just bits and pieces, little fragments of his memories slowly disappearing. )
Comments 56
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I'm sorry *glues your heart back together* ;____;
You're welcome hun, thanks for reading <3
WHY DID I NEVER SEE THIS?!?!?!?!?!!?! *screams*
i freaking love you! <333 so much...this..absolutely tore my heart apart, but...still sigh~ <3 the lyrics...matched perfectly...and the end. i think..i just seriously cried..and now my mom's freaking out because she thinks that I'm like insane right now. but really...this was so beautiful..i'm totally mem-ing it RIGHT NOW!!
i love this so much....this should totally be made into a MV for "The Name I Loved." I'LL PRODUCE IT!! ........... T___T so beautiful~! i'm honoured to be friends with such a beautiful writer like you! <3
I'm glad you liked it hun lol, d'aww it'd be great if the song had an MV :(
Thanks for reading! <3
*hyperventilates* @____@
I just want to wahhhh~~ *dies with them*
My day is full of OnKey angst!!! nooo~~ :(((
Puro angst nga sinusulat ko lately eh...LOL sorry
Thanks for reading~
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Wow, I think you're the only one who actually noticed that I used the first sentence as the ending sentence! Yeah, I left it up to your interpretation, really. :D
Thanks for the comment hun, I really appreciate it :)
im crying ;_;
i really loves your fics
this one, i really like it, so sad but beautiful.
thanks so much for sharing
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