Title: Raging Hormones
Pairing: All of them. Trust me.
Rating: PG-13 for implied smut [lots of it]
Genre: Mostly crack, some angst
Summary: Put five hormonal teenage boys together and what do you get? Lots of sex.
Notes: Basically ten drabbles (ish), one for each pairing. Lots of implied sex, possibly PWP lulz.
'Maybe I should move to JYP...' )
Comments 49
Why do I love that?????
I have to be honest, I was going to skip to TofuHo straight (my OTP) and then take stops at JongYu and OnTae. But then I realised that it was all connected so I backtracked and read from beginning (whilst maybe skimming the pairings I'm not so fond of, ^^;;). JongYu one was my fav. I held my breath. I also adore TofuHo (waesoshort*sobs*).
Is it weird I want to scream? Even I don't know why.
TofuHo...I started running out of ideas, sorry DX
I'll scream with you lulz <3
Thanks for reading! :)
I loved all your drabbles and how they were connected! They were funny and hot and I hope to see more soon! ♥
thanks for sharing!
Thanks for reading hun <3
There's some sadness in a few of them, but it's fast forgotten with all the implied sex XD
LoL at Jinki and Jonghyun, poor guys XD
<3 ~~
Thanks for reading! :)
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