Title: Happiness With You - movement 3 (A Takuyaki Stand and A Park)
Authors: Ayakanishi
Pairing: Akame
Rating: PG-15 (maybe)
Genre: friendship, love, romance, hatred
Disclaimer: i don't own the characters here...
Author’s Notes: my fifth fic, well, haha!!! it just came out of my mind, then i told it to my two guy friends they said that i should make Kazuya a girl, then suprisingly, they helped me here, hahaha!!!
Summary: Kazuya is a noble girl who fell in love to a stranger who saved her from some maniacs.
WARNING!: Kazuya is a girl here!
One week passed since Kazuya last saw and talked to Jin.
"Mou, Kazuya, you look so sad, it doesn't suit you" Noriko said.
"I haven't seen him for a week now Noriko" Kazuya answered with teary eyes.
"He, d-don't cry, I might panic here."
"You'll see him again, don't worry about it."
"I'll try... I just miss seeing him"
Kazuya was walking home when she saw a takuyaki stand near their school. She was about to approach it but suddenly a voice stopped her.
"Wanna eat there with me?" the voice asked.
Kazuya suddenly looked happy even if she doesn't look to the person talking to her, because that voice was too familiar for her not to recognize it.
"Jin!" Kazuya turned around and approached the man she missed so much, "Konichiwa" then she bowed.
"Konichiwa, let's go, I'll treat you there," Jin said.
"Come one, I'll treat you for not seeing me for a week and I insist" Jin smiled.
Kazuya blushed because of the man's smile.
Then they sat at the chairs in front of the stand.
"A dozen please" Jin ordered.
"Okay" the vendor said.
"Anou... Jin, what's he reason of you... not... uh..." Kazuya was trying to speak clearly and straight, but she's too nervous to do it.
"For not passing by here for a week?" Jin continued, "well, I suddenly had more work this week, so I was busy"
"Where do you work?" Kazuya asked.
"At the Restorante Italiano" Jin answered.
Oh, that's a good restaurant, but I have never been there"
"Here's your takuyaki" the vendor said.
"Thanks" Jin replied.
"Ittadakimasu" Jin and Kazuya said at the same time.
"Oishi" Kazuya uttered
"Is this your first time eating in a takuyaki stand?" Jin asked.
" *chuckles* you know, you're getting cuter and cuter."
Kazuya blushed. After finishing their takuyaki, Jin asked Kazuya to come with him to a park. They were sitting on a bench, but at the opposite side of the the bench watching their surroundings.
"It's pretty here, it's my first time coming in a place like this" Kazuya said.
"By the way Kazuya, with all honesty, do you like me?" Jin asked frankly.
"N-nani?" Kazuya heard what Jin said, but she couldn't believe what actually the guy asked her.
" *chuckles* you're so cute Kazuya, actually I like you, if you become cuter I might fall for you"
Kazuya immediately turned red like a tomato
"Pleas stop it, you're making me shy" Kazuya requested,
"Tell me first whether you like me or not" Jin demanded and moved closer to Kazuya.
"Uh..." Kazuya closed her eyes trying to make her nervousness gone, but she couldn't help it, the guy she likes so much is only an inch away from her body. "Please don't move any closer... I'm trembling now... I-i am reacting this way because... I... I really like you..."
Jin smiled and suddenly gave Kazuya a long kiss to her cheeks that lasted for five second.
"I want to know you more Ms. Noble Girl" Jin whispered to Kazuya, "can I call you by your name?"
Kazuya nodded, she's too shy and trembling to speak. Her heart's pumping like hell. She doesn't know what to do, she wants to hug him but her shyness is taking her over, she wants to hold his hand but her hand is shaking like crazy.
"You nervous?" Jin asked.
Jin suddenly pulled Kazuya, he let Kazuya's head lean on his chest and kiss the girl's forehead.
"This is what my mom used to do whenever I'm trembling and crying" Jin said, "as you can hear, my heart is beating loud. I'm happy, very happy. I didn't expect in my entire life to hold you like this.. Before, I was only watching you from distant. I've been watching you for a long time now Kazuya"
"How long is it now?" Kazuya asked.
"I've been watching you ever since you were just five. Ever since I was just nine" Jin answered.
"You mean you're 21 now?"
"Yeah, do I look like 21?"
"No, you look... 18..." Kazuya embraced Jin back.
"Where did you see me when we're just kids?"
"You'll know it... when the right time comes"
"Ok..." then she thought, "I really love it, this moment. I love feeling my body around his arms, my head leaning on his chest, hearing everything what his heart is saying. I love it when he's talking to me in a very sweet way, when ever he's teasing me that makes my heart crazy. I love it whenever he's telling what's in his mind with all honesty, every time he tells me I'm cute. Every time I'm with him, I wish this will be forever."
"Do you want to go home now?" Jin asked, "your parents might be looking for you"
Kazuya shook her head indicating that she wants to stay there, with him.
"I just... want to be like this..." Kazuya said.
"Okay Kazuya, if that's what you want"
"Let's meet here, everyday, at the same time, okay?"
"Sure, that would be great Kazuya"
[to be continued]
preview: "Yes, it means you're the person that I will love forever"
Location: Mars!
Music: Ai no Command - KAT-TUN
A/N: ok, my head is so messed up. darn i really did something stupid today, i mistakenly thought that dd-chan is garnet-chan.... hahahha!!!! see? stupid eh? but i also did something great today, for me it was a big deal, hahaha!!! i already slept for 8 hours!!! BANZAI!!!!!! i slept from 2am to 10am, hehehe!!!! then, i slept again at 2 pm and woke up at 6pm, hahaha!!!! and then i watched naruto shippuden, well, please take note that i have exam tomorrow, hahaha!!! AND I DIDN'T STUDY A SINGLE THING!!!! that's a very good student, hahaha! it looks like i spent all of my time today sleeping, hahaha!! well, i really need to have some serious rest and sleep! my eye bags look like shit! SOOO BIIIIIGGGG!!!!!!! AND SOOO DEEEEPPP!!!!!! for short, I LOOK LIKE TRASH NOW!!! how can I face kat-tun if i look like this?! OMJ! *face palms*
please leave comments, so i can have more energy to write more...<3