...Seven...Seven Eleven. XD

Mar 23, 2005 21:10

Finally made some Naruto icons...trying out a "new style" by attempting to refrain from using overlay so often. XD

Yu-Gi-Oh! [3]
>Jounouchi x2
>KaiJou x1

Naruto [4]
>Naruto x1
>Sakura x2
>Temari x1



I made the Naruto icon for the sake of having an icon of him. Shame I didn't put much effort into it (and you can tell too). XD;

Resources (Brushes, borders, gradients, textures, images used for bases)
gegenschein, teh_indy, sharinganuser69, cdg_brushes, crumblingwalls, soulkiller, lily_blossoms, shinsei_kitsune.

I had long filenames so I'd remember who to credit. XD
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