I saw this neat thing on
yue_akuma's fic comm, and basically told her I wanted to gank it because, well, I am down with writing kink; there should definitely be more of it around these parts.
Here's the deal: you leave me a comment with the kinks you'd like to read, a fancy table will keep track of them, and I'll make an attempt to make it happen.
Of course I could come up with kinks, but then we'd stay in a very narrow niche.
(And just because there are only six blanks right now, doesn't mean that that's all we'll do. ;3)
Aphrodisiacs/sex pollenTattooing/body painting (can be to establish ownership or notCock fetishization/worship
Tentacles and other things like that Guns/gun-playRoleplayingGenderswitch/FemmeslashKnifeplay/Bloodplay/VampirismPet playWet dreamsSex slaveryPublic or semi-public sexOral fixationMassage???
• I will write in the order I want; so 2 maybe won't be written after 1 and before 3, if you get my point.
• I pretty much stick to KAT-TUN, but I can be swayed to wander away occasionally. I'd also be down for drama-character versions, if I've actually seen it.
• You are still free to make suggestions about which pairings/idols you'd like to see for your favorite kinks, or you can even describe how you'd see the scene; it may help me find inspiration.
• The comments are screened, if you wanna keep it on the down-low.
• If you need some help to find something that rocks your boat,
this list of kinks is very complete and helpful.
Also keep in mind the whole exchange obligations and real life thing, but other than that, let's have some fun! ;D