Title: Mind Games
Pairing/Group: Nakamaru Yuichi/Taguchi Junnosuke/Tanaka Koki
Rating/Warnings: NC-17
Word Count: 3369
Summary: Nakamaru doesn't really like the unexpected, especially when it's something he can't tune out.
Notes: So I made this thing because it was
je_levy's birthday. Levy, I hope you enjoy this, because I most certainly had fun chortling
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Comments 2
yeah sparkle peen at the library~ thug life and such.
Oh maaaan, the ways in which I've loved this to heaven and back. I was so surprised abruptly at the beginning when I realised he WAS actually mind-reading considering our exchange not long ago and the possibilities that could ensue and the plain fact that you explored those possibilities. I am sooo spoiled for how brilliant this was
I love how he realises it and that it didn't even matter because honestly all of denden's dubious doings that he's witness to it wouldn't even surprise him that much if either of them were actually saying any of those things aloud. I particularly love the imagery you went to for the things in Junno's head. I LOVE that Junno's dirty thoughts are just that, thoughts.
Nakamaru’s biggest test comes during recording for Gatsuun. Both Junno and Koki are with him, for the ( ... )
i am so so glad that it made you happy because seki will probably tell you that i was a big weenie and fretted and was generally ">A<" in her gchat while i was working on this. she might have kicked my butt a few times.
but yes, i will just be pleased that you are pleased and when are we gonna make some more epic au magic, be it magic or xmens? :3
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