Title: Hilarryous
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Characters/Pairing: America, Canada
Rating: PG/K+.
Word Count: 967
Summary: Canada is woken up by America's newest pet project. Cracky.
A/N: Inspired by a conversation with my boon companion Laura. You can blame her if there's more of these two in the future.
Bird-brained schemes )
Comments 7
We are many Scandinavians here on LJ, but we almost all post and comment in English. I'm contacting you to try to gather us in a strong and lively Scandinavian speaking milieu, where we can get beta readers for fanfics in our mother tongue, squee over Scandinavian events, fanworks and cons (not just stare in envy at our American friends' posts from AWA...) and so on. You can talk about all kinds of fandom related topics at scandafandom, as long as you post in a Scandinavian language. See you there?
(How I found you: I searched for Scandinavian journals with recent updates. I then had a look at your profile and journal, saw that you were active in fandom and thought that you would possibly be open for an invitation. I hope I wasn't totally amiss. :)
Bryr ni om min svenska/skandinavisk är inte perfekt? Svenska är inte min modersmål.
Og velkommen skal du være!
I alla fall, YAY. Tack så mycket~
And Liberty Larry is an awesome name~
I enjoyed this! :)
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