Thinking of You - Chapter Three

Dec 27, 2010 16:55

            Chinen woke up the next day with a sense of lighthearted happiness in his heart, and bumping into his two friends on the way to practice only made things even better.

“Good morning, Chinen,” Yuto and Ryosuke chorused in unison, gladly welcoming their little friend to walk with them.

“Good morning!” Chinen smiled brightly.

“You seem awfully cheerful today,” Ryosuke noted.

Yuto elbowed him as he laughed, “You make that sound like a bad thing, Ryosuke!”

Chinen giggled. “Ryosuke’s just been too tired recently, right? With all the individual promotions he has to do for our new upcoming single, in addition to all the NYC extra stuff he has to do with me.”
            Ryosuke nodded. “I’m sorry guys, I don’t mean to come off as moody or anything,” he laughed guiltily.

“It’s alright, we understand,” Yuto smiled supportively, swinging his arm over Ryosuke’s shoulders.

“Yup, and we’ll always be cheering for you!” Chinen grinned.

Ryosuke nodded, but in want of changing the subject, said, “So did something really great happen to you this morning, Chinen? Or is your happiness simply emulating from your excitement to go to practice?” Ryosuke wondered.

“Actually…” Chinen began. “I had a really sweet dream,” he beamed, closing his eyes as he tried to immerse himself back into his memory.

“What was so wonderful about it?” Yuto piped up curiously.

Chinen’s face suddenly grew warm as he looked timidly down at his shoes. “Oh nothing…” he mumbled.

“Come on, Chinen, you’re hiding something from us,” Ryosuke smirked, nudging Chinen gently to urge him to tell his secret.

“You can tell us, Chinen. We won’t judge you, promise!” Yuto grinned innocently.

“Well… it was just about the person I like…… confessingthattheylikemeback,” Chinen quickly spurt out the last of his sentence before shutting his mouth, shocked by his own honesty.

“You like someone?” Ryosuke stopped in his tracks and turned to face Chinen with a look of questioning.

“Who?” came Yuto’s excited one-worded question.

Before Chinen got the chance to answer, Yuto immediately began to stream out further interrogations. “Does the person go to our school? Do I know this person? How long have you liked this person? What you like about the person? Their appearance? Their personality? Their style? Their love for horse sashimi?!”

Chinen cut in abruptly, “Only you would so that, Yuto.” He then smiled, rolling his eyes.

“Very true,” Ryosuke agreed.

“Hey! You’re just avoiding the question!” Yuto whined cutely.

“Which one? You asked like ten billion!” Ryosuke laughed.

“Then just my first one, Ryosuke. Who is it that you like, Chinen?” Yuto reiterated.

“Well… I don’t really think… Well you see the truth is, I…” Chinen stammered, eyes glancing from side to side in nervousness and fear of both what he was about to admit to himself, and what reaction he was about to receive from his two friends.

Ryosuke gently put a hand on Chinen’s shoulder. “It’s okay, Chinen, you don’t have to-”

“I LIKE DAIKI!” Chinen exploded uncontrollably.

“You WHAT?!” Ryosuke’s tone altered immediately, as if he had just been struck by lightening.

Chinen squeezed his eyes shut and whispered, repeating, “I like Daiki.”

“Chinen, you know that Daiki’s a, you know… guy, right?” Yuto questioned slowly.

“Yeah, but somehow… I don’t really care. I just… I just feel like I want to be with him, like I’ve fallen for him… he just makes me… happy,” Chinen sighed hopelessly. “But I know that he would never return my feelings.” Chinen could feel his eyes stinging and his cheeks burning as he spoke.

Admitting his own feelings aloud to himself only made his situation seem even more evidently futile.

“Aw, it’s alright, Chinen. You shouldn’t give up hope so soon!” Yuto smiled supportively. “People can surprise you sometimes. You can never truly know what others are thinking.”

“I guess so… but somehow, I doubt Daiki thinks about me nearly as often as I think about him,” Chinen murmured quietly, his words meant only for his own ears.

Ryosuke had stopped talking. He was dumbstruck by Chinen’s words, but he forced his feet to keep carrying him forward, still walking in step with his two friends. He calmly kept his composure on the outside, while inside, his heart was ripping apart.

Chinen, I doubt you think about Daiki nearly as often as I think about you…


Kei watched quietly as Daiki began directing rehearsal. Smiling excitedly at his new position of leadership, Daiki told Keito to scoot over closer to Yuto, otherwise he might be standing in his way during the second verse.

“I wouldn’t want to accidentally spin into you in the middle of my turn,” Daiki laughed lightly, in a sheepish tone.

Keito smiled. “That would be quite unfortunate,” he replied in a joking manner as he shifted over to where Daiki had pointed.

As rehearsal went on, even from his spot behind Chinen, Kei couldn’t help but continue to gaze admiringly at Daiki, his heart skipped a beat as he watched Daiki run his own hands across his body and smirk mischievously at the mirror.

Suddenly, as Kei’s eyes met Daiki’s, Daiki’s gaze grew gentle, and he began to smile with his usual adorableness. Kei couldn’t help but grin back, feeling his cheeks reddening and his smile glowing with shy happiness, realizing that the object of his aspiration, the boy he desired most, had finally noticed him during rehearsal and was now watching him back for once!

But all of a sudden, Kei’s hopes were shattered as Ryosuke unexpectedly stopped the music, pausing them from connecting their gazes any longer, ending Kei’s precious moment of rare pride in his performance.

“Kota, would you mind if I give Daiki some comments?” Ryosuke smiled politely.

“I’m not in charge at the moment, Ryosuke. You’d have to ask Daiki himself,” Kota gestured to the star performer who had just been rudely interrupted.

Without needing to repeat his question, Daiki nodded to Ryosuke, giving his consent to his friend’s sudden outburst.

“So Daiki, I just wanted to say,” Ryosuke began with a big grin plastered on his face, masking his true feelings toward Daiki at the moment. “That look you had when you looked up at the mirror was so impressively sexy! I’m so proud!” Ryosuke laughed and everyone joined him in applauding the cute penguin who was truly beginning his transformation to a mature man.

“But,” Ryosuke continued dryly. “Smiling cutely after that ruins your image! Besides, during the actual performance, there won’t be a mirror for you to use to smile at Chinen with, so you might as well not get distracted now!” As soon as the last sentence flew out of his mouth, Ryosuke regretted it. Chinen immediately shot him an angry glare, his cheeks flushing madly, while Daiki began to laugh, breaking the awkward silence that had followed.

“Alright, I’m sorry, Ryosuke, but Chinen just looks so cute today, I couldn’t help but smile when I noticed his reflection.”

Upon hearing this, Ryosuke gulped, Chinen crimsoned even brighter, and all the way across the room, Kei Inoo’s heart fell.


A/N: I 'm not sure if anyone's interested, but the reason why I haven't been posting like crazy over winter break (when I actually have good time to! XD) is because I'm working on a special fic project for the end of the year! ^^ To celebrate the end of 2010, I wrote (haha like actually finished already, just need to type up! ^^;;) three, yes, THREE fics based on various pairings inspired from watching the Hey! Say! 2010 TEN JUMP DVD! :D I hope everyone anticipates with excitement!! X3 Countdown to 2011 begins 12/29, and I'll post (hopefully...XD) one fic per day until the new year arrives!! :) Watch out for some Inoobu, Dairyu, and Yamachii coming your way~~ ^^ wish me luck peoples! I'll do my best! :D

hsj: daiki arioka, hsj: keito okamoto, type: chaptered, hsj: yuri chinen, hsj: kei inoo, hsj: yuto nakajima, fic: thinking of you, hsj: yuya takaki, hsj: hikaru yaotome, hsj: ryutaro morimoto, hsj: kota yabu, hsj: ryosuke yamada

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