These last days I've been wearing out my eyes working on adding screentones to my current (and still ongoing ._.') project of a doujin related to Ningyou Kyuutei Gakudan / Orchestre Royal de Guignols / Grand Guignol Orchestra / Royal Doll Orchestra / whatever you like to name it... In my case I simply call it "Guignol", since, after all, it's the
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Comments 4
Wow, je trouve aussi que les trames apportent un réel plus à tes dessins, ça donne tout de suite beaucoup plus de relief O_O !! Les effets (autour des bulles, ou dans les éléments de décors comme les pavés ou les briques) doivent effectivement te prendre un temps fou @__@ !!
Sinon je ne pense pas qu'utiliser une souris soit une entrave par rapport à un stylet, lorsqu'on en a vraiment l'habitude (en fait je galère trop lorsque je m'essaie au stylet @__@).
Sinon pour l'autre histoire, c'est un concept amusant d'associer chaque personnage à une carte de tarot ^^ (ce principe me rappelle un peu la saga de JRPG appelée Shin Megami Tensei/Persona).
In fact the effects you pointed out are preexisting screentones/textures, so there's nothing difficult here. ^^
What's painful is to correct my drawings, I keep making awful mistakes and there's also dirt or ugly unfinished lines here and there to fix. You just made me think I should try using my mouse with left hand, maybe it'll work better... when I draw with right hand, my fingers are quite clenched on the mouse, which is a problem cause it hurts after a while and I lose accuracy. >_> Hopefully I'll be more relaxed with left hand since I'm lefty.
Ofc the other thing is that clipping ain't funny, but it's a necessary evil when you use tones. >< (oh yeah, and since I ranted about it on twitter I'm spammed with ads from some clipping services... duh -_-) Oops, ranting again!
I see ! Then I understand why you say that clipping is the hard part ^^;.
Oh and I only know the name of the Persona games. I dunno the details of the story and didn't know there were some links with tarot cards!
I only played to Persona 4, but I know the principle was almost similar in Persona 3. So in Persona 4, as I said, all the main characters are linked to a tarot card. In order to fight, you need to invoke legendary gods or demons of ancient civilizations which are related to tarot cards too. The higher the bond you built with a character is (there is a social link gauge), the stronger the invocation of the same tarot card will be after the creation process. It was interesting to find the relationship between the characters' personnality and their tarot cards.
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