head pressure, sore throat, runny nose, coughing, sneezing.. Danielle is s-i-c-k.

Nov 13, 2003 11:37

so i had a good day off.. julies party was very very fun! i had a great time.

outfit: jeans, lacey tank top, zip up hoodie... just like every other day.
hairstyle: shoulder length, no layers, sometimes i leave it curly, other times i straighten it.
jewelry: earrings, my white gold claddagh ring :), another awesome ring, and my nipple rings, and a hemp/shell necklace, and i never take any of them off.
underwear: thongs.. usually pink and black ones
nail color: none. i like it natural

Do you:
cut yourself: no!
lick yourself: haha, ive been asked to lick my nipple...
whine a lot: yeah sometimes
yell a lot: um depends
hate a lot of people: no, just a few people. :)
have too many friends: no way
want to die: no
have a bf/gf: yeah pretty much
do drugs: drugs are expensive
wear dark colors: yeah, but not always
dye your hair: yup
shave strange places: i think i shave in pretty normal places

Have you ever:
kissed someone: yes
gotten drunk: yes
talked on the phone for over 3 hours: yah and way longer then that!
left the country: canada and mexico.. so not really
taken nude pictures: oh i think many people know the answer to that one... :o\
stolen something: yeah probably
caught something on fire: yeah my hair. just for a second, and i was real young.. i swear!
asked someone out: yup in 6th grade
been dumped: yup
dumped someone: yup
had a dream, then the next day it happens: nah never

last person:
you touched: rory
you talked to: rory
you hugged: rory
you kissed: rory
you instant messaged: nate
who broke your heart: rory

are you:
understanding: i try to be
open-minded: yes
arrogant: no
insecure: yeah
interesting: i dunno am i?
hungry: not at the moment
smart: i have my moments
moody: yeah
childish: at times
independent: yes
hard working: yes
healthy: working on it
emotionally stable: haha
shy: ummm kinda but not really...
difficult: i think im pretty easy-going actually
attractive: ummm i have my good days
bored easily: no, im easily entertained
thirsty: no
obsessed: no
angry: no
sad: no
happy: yep
trusting: yeah but once trust is broken its hard to get it back
talkative: yes, sometimes too much
reliable: yeah i am
self-disciplined: yeah i think so
sleepy: yes
lonely: no not at all

info about yourself:
what is your birth name?: Danielle Fontaine Sommers
what is your birthday?: May 27th 1985
current age?: 18
how tall are you?: 5'4" but i wish i was a little bit taller
shoe size?: 8 1/2
brothers/sisters?: oh man yeah. older siter, older brother, 4 older step-brothers
job?: nope

in the last 48 hours:
cried?: yes
missed someone?: yes
yelled at someone?: yes
changed your underwear?: yes
drove somewhere?: yes
talked to someone on the phone?: yes
been online?: yes
smiled?: yes
had sex?: yes
kissed someone?: yes
hugged someone?: yes
last thing you ate?: twizzlers. makes mouths HAPPY!
talked to an ugly person?: no i only talk to pretty people. haha i dunno really

have you ever:
been in love?: yes
kissed someone of the same sex?: yes
been in trouble with the police?: no
hit someone?: umm no not really
broke something?: Yes
betrayed a friend?: yeah, but nothing major, or recent
played strip poker?: yeah
skipped school?: YES!
shot a gun?: no
broke something important?: yes
dyed your hair?: yes

okay last questions (finally!):
what is sitting next to you?: lots of tissues... im so sick... and a stuffed animal
do you get along with your mother?: yah, more now then ever
favorite sport?: i really like volleyball
are you gay/lesbian/bi/straight?: straight
been in a plane?: yeah i love to fly
killed someone?: um no
stepped in dog shit?: yeah that sucks
kicked your cat for the hell of it?: i kicked my step brothers cat because i hate it, im more of a dog person but kittens are so adorable!
slept during class?: yeah
cheated on a test?: yeah
are you bored of taking this survey?: eh i have nothing else to do
what time is it now?: 11:59
are you tired?: no i cant sleep with this damn cold i have! IM SOOO SICK!

i haven't been taking my vitamin C. **EVERYONE** if you dont want to get sick take chewable vitamin c because it tastes awesome and it works!! but its 800% of your daily value... and if your like rory and take THREE at once you will get 2400% of your daily value... heh well i thought it was funny...

going out to dinner tonight!! i cant wait! Date Night WOO! :o))

have a awesome day everyone!
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