Guess who went the the UK OST Premiere yesterday? *points to self* XD
I had a fantastic time, if a bit painful on the legs. XD But it was worth it to see the stars in real life. It's still a bit surreal to think that I have seen Johnny Depp. With my own eyes. Craziness. XD
My mum, sister and I left home at 9am and took the train up to London. We reached Westfield shopping centre, where the premiere was taking place, just before midday. We went and had a look at the premiere area and found that all of the spaces at the front were taken, but we expected that anyway. We went and had some lunch at a nearby restaurant (burgers, yum!), before heading back and grabbing a spot. And so we waited. XD
At about 3.30pm, the crowd were told to stand up but not much happened until around 4pm when radio presenter DJ Spoony and TV presenter Alex Zane came onto the stage to warm up the crowd and get us excited (like we needed it XD). The big screen in the pic above switched to the crowd, rather than constantly playing the trailers on a loop, and Spoony went around asking generic crowd questions, like where people had come from and how many people were dressed up etc.
I was stuck at the back, with about four or five people between me and the barrier, which was OK until the stars started arriving on the blue carpet at about 5.45pm. Everyone crushed together and people were squeezing in from the sides, so I was pushed further back, but I could still see the stage.
The first star to arrive was Astrid Berges-Frisbey. She seemed really lovely, and was rushed up onto the stage to speak to Alex Zane.
(From now on the pictures get a bit fuzzy and blurry because I was standing on tiptoe and trying to dodge other people's cameras)
Next was the fantastic Geoffrey Rush. I was really excited to see Geoffrey, he's such a great actor. He also went straight up on stage.
It started getting a bit hectic after that, the stars were appearing quite quickly one after the other. But when Alex announced Johnny's name the crowd went insane.
Johnny didn't go up onto the stage until the end, just before they all left to see the film. That last pic up there is the closest up I saw him. He did come over to where we were, but I couldn't see a thing. :( The crowd surged forward and I, being so short and much too polite for my own good, got left behind. But I knew he was there and that's good enough. :)
I also got some pics of Jerry Bruckheimer and Rob Marshall up on stage.
And then the beautiful Penelope Cruz arrived. The crowd gave her a huge cheer, too. I didn't get very good pictures of her, though. :(
Stephen Graham and Robbie Kay went up on stage, too. These pictures aren't great, either. :(
Then there was Ian McShane, who seems much nicer than Blackbeard in real life. XD I'm really disappointed with my pictures of him though, none of them are very good, even the ones I took of the screen. :(
Sam Claflin then went up on stage. He was fun and it seemed like he couldn't believe he was there. After that, without any introduction or announcement, we suddenly spotted Kevin McNally on the carpet. I was a bit disappointed that he wasn't really treated like "a star". Come on, where would Captain Jack be without Mr Gibbs? But he did get to go up on stage a bit later. :)
I also spotted Geoffrey and Astrid quite close to us...well, the back of Geoffrey's head, anyway XD
And that was when the battery on my camera died. :( I would have liked to have got a picture of all the stars on stage together, which happened at the end after Johnny's chat. They then went across to the escalator and disappeared off to watch the film at around 7.15 or 7.20pm. And so that was that.
There are some videos
here and
here where you can see the layout of the place, and the size of the crowd.
It was quite exhausting and my legs and toes really ached, but I had a brilliant time. I still can't quite believe that I have actually seen these people in real life. It would have been nice to have got a little bit closer, but I was there and that's what matters. I have this teeny little hope that maybe, just maybe, when Johnny was waving from the escalator, he might have seen me. And that makes the whole thing worthwhile. :D