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Comments 1011

prince01315 November 14 2011, 10:00:13 UTC
Hello :D heheh ^^

1. Name/nickname: prince01315 (I've been your silent reader :| mian T_T)
2. Age: 15 :D
3. Where you came from: SungMin's heart <3 kidding. Philippines :D
4. Bias: SungMin~~ Add Henry also :D
5. OTP/s: HenMin, HyukHae, KyuMin, YeWook
6. Favorite group/s: SUJU~ AFTER SCHOOL :D
7. What fics do you read: many. hehe ^^


ayeengie November 15 2011, 05:53:50 UTC
Hi there fellow pinay~ please, I need your real name~ ^^
And another dongsaeng came... lol XD
Ooh~ you like HenMin~ it's shooooo cuuuttteeee~ even YeWook~! You like cute and innocent OTPs huh... (except for KyuMin XD)
Ah... I only know MinAh there~ lol XD
yeah, we read many fics~ ^^


prince01315 November 15 2011, 09:54:58 UTC
XD Ruth is my name ^^ oh?! What part of the philippines do you live? XD
ahh eonnnnniiiii!!!!!!!!!! XD

MinAh? XD She's from Girl's Day, heheh


ayeengie November 16 2011, 03:44:27 UTC
Hi Ruth~~~
I'm from QC, you?

lol she is? haha told you, I don't know them LOL :D


Let´s be friends^^ nookku_vip November 14 2011, 16:17:19 UTC
I´m Noora, my nickname is nookku^^ I´m 17 and I live in Finland. My username says i´m vip (Big Bang♥), but i´m also elf and right now i´m more into suju-fanfics:) My fav parings are KyuMin♥, EunHae and YeWook. My other favourite groups are SHINee, F.T. Island, 2ne1 and japanese KAT-TUN. I´ve readed a lot of your fanfiction, now I read full moon, I love
hung and battle of pride. I´m waiting to see your updates^^~


Re: Let´s be friends^^ ayeengie November 15 2011, 05:56:37 UTC
Hi Nookku~ it's so cute~ kyaaa~ ^3^
I also like Big Bang ^_~ they're so cool and good~ I haven't read a Big Bang fic haha :D
Ooh~ the "official" OTPs~~~ KAT-TUN!!! I love them~!!!! Japan is really my first love~~~
thank you for reading and I'll try updating faster~ I hope you guys will like it and continue to read~~~ ^^


hime24 November 15 2011, 08:24:42 UTC
Hi my name is teri.
I'm from the philippines.
I'm 25
my basis is kyuhyun, sungmin, zhou mi, henry,
i obviously love super juniou, kara and sistar.

So please add me please


ayeengie November 15 2011, 09:12:07 UTC
Hi Ate Teri~~~ :3
Okay, I'll add you, but I think that you should add me too? ^^


gaembell November 15 2011, 08:36:57 UTC
Hello Arianne x) .
What would you like me to call you?
1. My name is Michell Bella Prasetyo ( in this world only me that have this name, lol try the facebook xD).
2. I'm 17 at january ;3
3. I came from indonesia ~
4. My biases is Heechul, Kyuhyun and Sungmin . Lol xD
5. Kyumin HARDCORE XDDD, Hanchul, eunhae, yewook, haemin, heemin, eunmin, yemin, kyuhae, kangteuk :9
6. I love Kpop, but i love SJ the most ;3
99% ELF, 1% other
7. I read all fanfics ;333

nice to know you more, i really interested with ur fanfics :D, please add me back ~


ayeengie November 15 2011, 09:16:17 UTC
Hi~ you can call me Ayen so it will be easier to type and pronounce~ ^^
Uh, your long is name... what do you want me to call you? lol and yeah, it is unique... except for bella~ ^^
Ooh~ then I guess I'm older? haha :D
There are a lot of Indonesian ELFs~~~ wow~~~
Heenim~! I love Heenim~!!!
Uhuh, another hardcore KyuMin shipper on the house~!!! XD and I see you also ship Ming with a lot... XD
Haha! I love it! But I'm a 100%~

it was nice to know you~ and yes, I'll add you back~ ^^ thank you~ ^^


gaembell November 15 2011, 11:08:54 UTC
Yeah it's because my friend always tell me kpop songs,
i only love their songs,
esp beast xD.
Okay back to the topic.
Yes ! My father gave my this name, it must be Michelle, not Michell -.,- . And prasetyo is my surename ;3
that's my father surename, because his real name is chinese.
Yes i ship Min pairings ;3
because min is so cute ;w;
he fits with everyone xD.
Okay eonnie ayen !
Kkkkk~ Heenim is my destiny (?)
i love him at the first sight i saw SJ performance ;w;
he's so beautiful just like min -.,-
it's up to you ;D ,
you can call me anything you want, bella is okay, michell is okay, but please don't call me prasetyo cos it actually for male names xD
thank you eonnie :*


ayeengie November 16 2011, 03:48:52 UTC
Yeah, I listen, but I'm not a fan of the group. XD
Ooh~ so you're half-Chinese?
Yes, min is so cute that I ship him with almost everyone~~~ except Siwon :D
Heenim is the most beautiful among them lol XD
Haha~ okay I'll call you bella~~~


thesillyturtle November 15 2011, 14:11:25 UTC

I'm Caitlin, but you can call me turtle like a few of the writers on LJ do
I'm 18, from down under where no one ever goes (take a guess?) :P
I'm a major kyuhyun bias, followed by sungmin when kyu isn't around
As you can see, my biases happen to make kyumin. And yes, I am another kyumin shipper. I also like kyuchul, but they are so hard to write about and rare to find :(
I listen to Kpop, but I won't consider myself a 'fan' of Kpop because I barely know much about it and the language barriers makes it harder. I am simple a fan of Super Junior. That's it. Otherwise, I follow cpop.
I read...a range if fics. Lots of angst, a lot of R rated things, fluff from time to time. AUs and supernatural are preferred. But I skip all the gender switch fics.

My intro is too long :/ sorry
But friends? *dorky grin*


ayeengie November 16 2011, 03:54:23 UTC
Hi Caitlin~ haha, so that means that you're my eonni~ if that's okay with you though... LD
HAHA~! Me too~! I'm a certified gamer, but when I see Hae, I become a Hae-biased. XD
YAY~ a lot of KyuMin shippers~~~!!! Yeah, Kyuchul is also cute, but because "we" usually see them as "mother-son" or friends, their pairing is a rare one...
Yeah, me too, I don't even know the other groups' songs. XD Cpop? Wow, I once got addicted to F4~ lol is that even considered as one? XD
Well, KyuMin has the most angst fics, so... haha, yeah, they're angsty. XD GS are awkward to read and write~ but I read and write those~~~ haha XD

It's okay! I love long intros!!!
And yeah, we can be friends! *kyugrin*


thesillyturtle November 16 2011, 06:41:41 UTC
Hahah that's alright, I've got a friend irl who actually calls me eonni and I've grown used to it. There was once when we went to a Korean restaurant and the waitress lady called the kitchen lady eonni and I turned my head thinking someone was calling me xD
I love kyuchul because they're so witty and snarky. It's fun when they interact, especially first meetings, before the romance begins, of any.
Haha I like your full moon tho, sungmin is both genders hehehe


ayeengie November 16 2011, 10:20:17 UTC
Yay~ eonni~~~ lol I'm like that sometimes too~ haha! :D
They're the evil... uh... duo? XD Idk, I really don't see them as "couple", if you know what I mean. XD
Haha yeah, in the manga, Sungmin's character permanently became a girl, well, I knew that it would be much more interesting if he changes genders from time to time, right? Besides, I might be charged for plagiarism if I did. XD


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