Bandai, I beg you, please don't let the .hack//LINK game be anything like the manga....would you really be so cruel and end such an epic series with this abomination? And for the PSP no less. .hack is an epic series! Do it justice, and put it out on a console like the PS3! How can you tie up all the loose ends in a PSP game, really?
(*cough* not that PSP games are bad... Valkyrie Profile was good on the PSP and DS...)
Come on! You spent all this time in GU developing characters and relationships, and you're going to make a character that grew so much take a billion steps backwards just for a story? Ugh. I won't be pre-ordering this game. I'll wait to see if its really the crap it sounds like its going to be.
I really hope this is all some sick joke, and this crap that is coming out is not canon, and not the end of the series.
/End gaming rant.
So how is life with all of you?