(no subject)

Dec 30, 2009 18:57

The Skin Deep
What is your name?: Vicky
How old are you?: 27
How old do you look?: Somewhere in my 20's...I still get carded, so....
But how old do you feel?: 22ish
And how old do you wish you were?: er, 27...
Where were you born?: Atlanta, GA
Where do you live now?: Madison, WI
Describe your father in five words.: strong, tall, guarded, funny, protector
Describe your mother in five words.: loving, emotional, supportive, good listener
If you have siblings, describe him/her/them in five words.: far away, hilarious, strong, cookies
How tall are you?: 5'3.5"
How much do you weigh?: More than I want to T.T
Are you happy with your body?: Not at the moment
Have you ever taken drastic measures to change your body?: Nope
What colour is your hair?: Naturally, brown with red and blonde highlights
Is this your natural hair colour?: Well, if read the last answer, yes.
What colour are your eyes?: Green, although they will look blue depending on what I'm wearing
What ethnicity are you?: Caucasian.
What is your heritage?: Austrian (East European mix), Irish, and French Canadian
Are you proud of where you come from?: Well, yea
If you could belong to any other race, which would it be?: None...I like myself
Describe your personal style.: Whatever looks good
What kind of shoes do you most like to wear?: Sandals
What is the item of clothing you most often wear?: Jeans
Describe the one item of clothing or the accessory that sums up your style.: Er...none
Do you wear jewelery?: Yea, but mainly on special occasions
Do you wear anything with sentimental value?: My wedding and engagement rings
What do you consider your best physical features?: My eyes
And your worst physical features?: My butt
If you could have someone else's appearance, would you?: No, although I would take someone else's butt.

Something To Believe.
Do you believe in abortion?: No, but I also think it should still be legal.
Using contraception?: Yes. And I think it's underused.
Underage sex?: No. I am a little old-fashioned and think people should wait until at least 18.
Sex before marriage?: Yes, as long as its between two consenting adults.
That gay sex is acceptable?: Yes, as long as its between two consenting adults.
Monogamy?: Yes, I don't want to get STDs.
Do you believe in the death penalty?: No, I think it's too easy of a punishment.
Life imprisonment without parole?: Yup.
Voluntary euthanasia?: Undecided
Involuntary euthanasia?: Isn't that the same thing as murder? o.o
Do you believe in the afterlife?: -.- I have a B.A. in religious studies. Yes.
In reincarnation?: I believe it is a possibility
In heaven and hell?: Heaven yes, hell, no
In purgatory?: No
Do you believe in God?: Yes, but not in a traditional sense.
Various gods?: Not in the sense that there is more than one. I think that all religions are pointing to the same truths, though.
Some form of higher power?: Yes
Do you believe in ghosts?: I believe that there are some connections to the spiritual "world."
Extra-terrestrial lifeforms?: Yes
Do you believe in any conspiracy theories about 9/11?: Not sure
Do you believe in Area 51?: It's a real place.....
Mass murderers: evil or ill?: Depends on the individual
Paedophiles: evil or ill?: Ill
Hitler: evil or ill?: Both
Do you believe that everyone is intrinsically good?: Yes...but obviously people mess it up
What do you think makes good people commit evil crimes?: Mental illness, misunderstanding of what is "right," boredom
Is it nature or nurture that has the most effect on a person?: Nature. Nuture is easier to change IMHO
What are your opinions on suicide?: It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem
On paganism?: All religions have the same message at their core.
On scientology?: See above.
On the Iraq war?: I am never pro-war, and protested this war.
On the size zero debate?: Just be healthy
On nuclear warfare?: Scary possibility
On racism?: Don't be "color blind," but don't judge based on skin tone.
On bullying?: Bullies are trying to compensate for poor self-esteem.
On drug-taking and drug-dealing?: Causes problems
On global warming?: Plant more trees
Do you think the government can solve these problems?: Ha
Do you read the newspapers?: Sometimes. "News" tends to be too sensationalist for me.
Do you think the world will be a good place for future generations?: Does it matter? Future generations will still come, especially if contraception remains unused!

A Few Of My Favourite Things.
What is your favourite physical feeling?: Hugs
Your favourite emotional feeling?: Happiness....
Your favourite childhood memory?: I don't really have a favorite
What is your favourite book?: Harry Potter series
Who is your favourite author?: J.K. Rowling
What is your favourite film?: No real favorites
Who is your favourite filmmaker?: None
What is your favourite song?: This changes way too often
Your favourite artist?: Enya or Utada Hikaru
Your favourite band?: The Eagles
Your favourite musical genre?: Basically everything
What is your favourite television show?: House
Who is your favourite actor?: None really
Who is your favourite actress?: Kirsten Dunst
What is your favourite day of the week?: Friday or Saturday
Your favourite month?: August
Your favourite season?: Summer
Your favourite holiday?: I still like the actual day of Christmas because my family gets along well and isn't big on presents. Shopping before Christmas sucks.
Your favourite holiday destination?: My parents' house
What is your favourite place to be?: Anywhere hot
What is your favourite outdoor activity?: Swimming
Your favourite indoor activity?: Gaming or sewing
What is your favourite animal?: Dolphin
Shop?: I shop online. That's about it.
Shape?: Stupid question
Subject in school?: Science. In college it was religion because my classes were science and history based.
Fairytale?: No favorite
Smell?: Books, I'm a loser, I know.

What is your favourite food?: Cheese.
Your favourite meal?: Anything with cheese on it. Except meat.
Your favourite dessert?: Cake
Your favourite drink?: Diet soda
Who is your favourite male celebrity?: None
Your favourite female celebrity?: None
What is your favourite city?: I dunno, Las Vegas?
What is your favourite thing about your friends?: They are funny
About your family?: They are supportive
About yourself?: I am creative

Your Lifestyle, Choices, and Self.
What makes you weak?: Meat
What makes you strong?: Cheese
What are your character strengths?: I am loyal
Your character flaws?: I can get a little paranoid
What do you want to do in the future?: Have a job and be happy
What are your long-term goals?: To get a job
What education are you currently in?: Graduate school
What are your hobbies?: Sewing and costuming! Also, bird keeping, knitting, crocheting, gaming, and dancing.
What are you interested in?: Non-repetitive memes
What are your idiosyncrasies?: I'm very random and say random things.
How do you spend your weekends?: Sleeping, sewing, catching up on errands
How do you spend your weekdays?: Mostly doing schoolwork
What do you do for fun?: Run through the streets naked
What natural, non-materialistic things make you happy?: Grass. Also love.
What is your sense of humour like?: Sarcastic and random
What material possessions are important to you?: My laptop and gaming systems.

The Darker Side
Do you have or have you ever had a problem with substance abuse?: No
Alcohol?: No
Depression?: Yup
Anxiety?: Yup
Trauma?: Yup, although I've been doing better since February
Panic attacks?: I've had a couple
Gambling?: Nope
Shopping addiction?: Hell no
Promiscuity?: No.
Eating disorders?: Rofl, no I like to eat way too much.
Personality disorders?: Nope
Physical ailments?: Yes, chondromalacia
Self-harm?: In high/middle school
Do you do drugs?: Nope
Do you drink alcohol?: Yup
Do you engage in self-destructive behaviour?: Nope
Do you have any very bad habits?: Who doesn't?
Have you ever seen a therapist?: Yup. Not in many years, though.
What are your fears?: Spiders
What do you hate?: No one, I don't like drama
What upsets you?: Feeling like I didn't do my best
What makes you angry?: IDOT
What is your worst memory?: I don't want to friends-lock this post.
Do you believe in the use of psychiatric medication?: If it is necessary
Do you believe in 'the talking cure'?: If I knew what it was, maybe.
Do you believe in behavioural therapies?: maybe
Do you believe one can 'snap out of' depressions if they try?: Not if they are truly depressed
If you could cure one illness in the world, what would it be and why?: Cancer. Because it sucks
What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?: Really, I don't want to FL this.
How do you deal with this?: By shoveling snow.

Love Is In The Air.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: I have a lot of friends who are boys and girls.
Have you ever been in a relationship?: I should hope so
Have you ever been in a relationship that lasted more than 6 months?: Yes
Have you ever been broken-hearted?: Yes
Have you ever broken a heart?: I doubt it
Have you ever been cheated on?: No
Have you ever cheated on someone?: No
What was your favourite ever kiss?: Lol as if I could remember them all.
What do you look for in a significant other?: Being a decent human.
Do you want to get married someday?: I should hope so...since I already did o.o
Do you believe in true love?: Yes
Do you believe in soulmates?: I don't like that term
Do you believe in fate between people?: Not really
Who was the last person you kissed?: Andrew
Have you ever kissed a stranger?: Probably
Are you a virgin?: I'm a sledding virgin.
If not, how old were you when you lost your virginity, and who to?: None of your business. :P
Have you ever had casual sex?: no
Do you believe in casual sex?: No
Have you ever been in love?: Yes
Have you ever been in unrequited love?: No
Has anyone ever been in love with you?: Yes.
Do you even believe in love?: Seriously, meme is becoming more lame.
Do you love yourself?: Most of the time
Do you love your family?: Yes

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