his answers were so funny i HAVE to share before going to bed.
his answers are in bold:
Hello Tim. Please complete this survey and return to your silly sleepy girlfriend, thanks!
Hello my name is mooj
I like to eat moojes
I wear this many sox at one time: 2
i have 32 teeth
I am astonished by this survey
I own 32 pairs of socks
Spiderman is my hero
My favotire person in the world is batman
I would eat a cartload full of insects and ingest my own vomit for $0.29
I have strong hair on my back
I am a total dill weed
I like this survey because i can write dillweed :) :) :) :) :)
HAHAHHA OMG the $0.29 question is so gross and unexpected it totally cracked me up. HAHAHH!!!