I have never understood why someone steals someone elses photos.. well, I do think that its probably some big fat girl with self esteem issues, or a horny old dude or something. I have no idea how this happens, really, but all I can say is someone sucks and is bored to do that! I would not be suprised if someone has my photography all over the internet somewhere on another countrys website (they dont reallly understand intellectual property and copywright too well it seems), it happens to friends of mine all the time.
I suggest you send an email to the host of the site (support@yafro.com) telling them of this and requesting your pictures be removed. Then I would make a small post over at the boob community, asking it's member's for a bit of help....post the link to the site and let them members harrass the shit out of this person until she removes your stuff.
Comments 7
I have never understood why someone steals someone elses photos.. well, I do think that its probably some big fat girl with self esteem issues, or a horny old dude or something. I have no idea how this happens, really, but all I can say is someone sucks and is bored to do that! I would not be suprised if someone has my photography all over the internet somewhere on another countrys website (they dont reallly understand intellectual property and copywright too well it seems), it happens to friends of mine all the time.
Oh, and I was really happy to be added back onto your friend's list.
and youuuuuuuu ... i missed your pictures. if it is really a concern, i'd mark them! it is pretty lame finding them somewhere.
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