Title: Empty Catbag
aysa_ashtorethDisclaimer: All characters belong to the creative god known as Joss Whedon and his production company, no profit is to be made here, and in this particular instance, no personal enjoyment, either
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Comments 8
Thank you! I appreciate the feedback! :D
Second of all: Yes, I most definitely owe you one. You have seriously just made my night. You do realize, however, that since you did such an amazing job with this one that I will continue hounding you until you write me more?
Thirdly: "And that's what families do, when the love each other." Is "the" supposed to be "they?" Also, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the "teddy bear in barbed wire" line...
Fourthly: I love you dearly. Thank you for overcoming your gag reflex to write me this. :D
Second of all: No. I repeat. N.O.
Thirdly: I NOW HAVE TWO PEOPLE THAT AGREE WITH ME ON THE "RAYNE IS WEIRD" THING. My supervisor and our mutual friend Half-Pint (The Person Formerly Known As Lindsey).
Fourthly: Despite the fact that I also love you dearly, no. There will be no more.
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