Jan 12, 2007 00:15


Tom Marvolo Riddle was evil. He’d always been that way for as long as he could remember. The other boys and girls at the orphanage told him so, even most of the caretakers whispered about him when they thought he wasn’t listening. Tom was always listening. When a boy finds himself alone in the world without parents to guide him what else could he do but listen and wait and learn.

The first thing Tom ever remembered learning was that his birth had been unwanted. Mrs. Hocken was a part time caretaker and had been at the orphanage the night Tom’s mother arrived broken and shattered on the steps.

“Unnatural it was, poor dear screamed and cried begging for it all to be undone. Wanted the baby named after his father so that the world would recognize that he was a cold thing. Unable to love, a cursed being” she had whispered to one of the girls who did the laundry on the weekends. Tom had remained still as a tree in the dead of summer without a breeze.

He was cold. Unable to feel. Unable to love.

John an older orphan had a little sister who he cared for. He loved her, he said kind things to her. He gave her presents, even if it was just buttons and a mouse for a pet. Tom had never done that for anyone. He could not love. When people came to the orphanage to find children to adopt they always steered clear of the small child with the cold eyes. Tom had only come close once to being adopted.

That was the second thing that he had learned, when you where different you where evil. The woman and man had been nice people. The woman looked like the moms in the commercials and that all the other children dreamed about having. She smelled of warm cookies and flowers, she felt like soft pillows and bedtime stories. For the first time in his little life he wanted.

He wanted what they where offering, the woman didn’t care that his eyes where cold and distant. That the other children teased him, that the caretakers said chilling and nasty things about him.

Lesson number three, hope was useless. He had hoped that they would tell him that Mrs. Hocken and everyone else was wrong. He had hoped that instead of one set of cloths and no toys, that he would go home with them have many cloths and many toys.

He had hoped that he was not evil, that he could love. That he could hand the woman gifts. And they wouldn’t be buttons or drawings. Tom was special; Tom could do things none of the others could do.

When they came to sign the papers, to take him home hope had seemed such a beautiful thing. His talents where a beautiful thing they made him stand out. He was better then the others with their cruel words and small minds.

He was going to give the woman a gift, he was going to watch her face light up with joy and she was going to hug him and tell him he was wonderful. Never again would he hear that he was a freak, that he was cold and a being of evil. Never again would he feel the sting of being hit. What would she like? He didn’t know what did women wan’t?

He probed her mind, it was one of his talents. That’s how he knew what everyone thought of him. And what they thought of each other. Gina the kitchen maid was friends with Abbey the scullery maid. Abbey thought Gina was bossy and only put up with her because her new husband was cute. She planed to sleep with him the first chance she got.

Another lesson. You don’t have to act on what you really mean, all you have to do is pretend. No one really loves each other unless they’re family. If you have no family then you are alone. Tom was always alone.

Not anymore, the woman really wanted a little boy and she was going to buy him a puppy. Little boys liked puppies and she had never been abel to have one as a child.

Tom could give her a puppy. Once he had changed a needle into a mouse on accident. This time he would present her with the things she wanted most. Him a little boy; and a puppy. They would be family, and that meant he would be loved.

Right there as she signed the papers and smiled at him he had picked up a cinder box from the table. He had concentrated as hard as he could and transfigured it into a small brown wriggly puppy.

That’s when she screamed.

Devil child, so cold so uncaring, so unnatural and so evil. Whispers in people’s minds, words of truth mixed with words of lies. The bigger orphans had taunted him hit him, and the caretakers had ignored it. Lesson learned no one will help you, those that do offer help always want something in return. You are nothing.

Tom did not have a high tolerance for pain. Oh he could bare it, he just didn’t tolerate it for long. One day when Arthur the bully amongst the orphans went to push him Tom used his talents.

Arthur had broken out in painful boils his skin rash red the screaming could be heard for miles. Arthur never touched him again. Lesson learned those with power don’t get hurt.

Tom Marvolo Riddel is an oddity to the world, a being born to evil. Born to be cold and unable to love.

Tom Riddel used to believe that lie; it has indeed shaped him into the man he is today. For years he thought himself untouchable.

One night in his dreams many, many years later he spied an old enemy. James Potter was running from him. He hated James, James had thwarted his plans too many times to let live. In the morning he would call on the hunt, James and his wife where going to be wiped from this earth.

Another lesson life had taught him, to get what you want you have to get rid of anything in your way. Something about James in this dream was different though. He was slightly shorter then he should be his frame not as developed. He looked too young. Why was he dreaming about James as a young man? Then James stopped running, he turned to face him.

Tom was hit by startling green eyes. Eyes that where cold and haunted, eyes that used to be so much like his own. Although cold a spark of warmth was evident in his eyes as he drew his wand. This wasn’t James, he looked too much like him to be a stranger. Was it a relative of his?

Who was the beautiful haunted boy glaring at him so defiantly? James did that, with James it angered him. He could kill James with a flick of his pinkie if the mood so inclined him. When this boy stared at him…He didn’t feel so cold.

Then the dream was gone.

Dreams are only dreams…they mean very little.

Then he had heard the Prophecy, he’d known James and his family’s time had run out. It could have been the Longbottom boy but something in his very soul whispered that the equal he was seeking was in his enemies son. Then he remembered the dream, perhaps before he killed James he would make him tell him about the boy he had seen. Perhaps it was a cousin.

It was tauntingly painful to dream of the boy, he had long since given up on hope. Hope was for the week, along with mercy and the ever foolish emotion of love. Their was only power and possession. He would do anything to posses the boy. To feel warmth.

James had proven to be just as brash and stubborn as ever, he had finally just killed him. He knew his wife was still inside with their baby boy. She tried to protect him, she died doing so leaving the baby huddling in his crib face turned away.

No mercy. Not even for the young. Besides if he left the baby alive he would just grow up wanting to kill him. So he cast the killing curse and watched as it headed for the tiny being. Then he turned his head opened his eyes.

Green eyes clashed with red.

He didn’t have time to feel remorse for destroying the boy. His body was tearing he was swamped with pain. A baby, a child had undone him.

One look into those eyes and he was flooded with….what was that?

He didn’t care. All he knew was that he needed to regain his power. And that one day Harry Potter was going to be his.

The story of Tom Marvolo Riddel is the story of a man labeled with the name of evil.

What is lie and what is truth?
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