NOT Missing Him

Aug 05, 2010 00:05

Title: NOT Missing Him
Rating: G
Word Count: 429, drabble! :D
Members: MatsuJun x OC
Summary: It's been three days since she last saw him. Or.... was it a week? Either way, Chiaki contemplates on WHY does she even love that irritating sadistic human in his absence.

Not Missing Him

She does not miss him.

She could not and would not cave into something so… simple-minded!  He’d only been away for three days (or was it a week?), and there was no way her ego would ever allow her to miss someone.

Not someone of his standards, at least.

He fights a lot. And it was mostly his fault they fight. He says he actually likes fighting. How sadistic. When she was once in a composed mood, she once asked: why?

He said it was because he liked seeing her angry face. Because, he said, loving someone means seeing all their facial expressions; even the not-so-pretty ones. (He had chosen his words carefully, she noticed.) If, he continued, even after seeing that type of face, and someone could still love that person, then, well… He had lapsed into silence after that.

He would not say “I love you.”

Not that she needed to hear it, she meant.

Those words are like locks and chains. They lock you together. Like after saying those words, him and her would be eternally (not to mention romantically) linked together-or at least in the eyes of the society. Him and her. Lovers. Boyfriend and girlfriend. ...Husband and wife?

No way.

And then, there was this thing that’s really irritating her: because of his job, he was always nowhere! There was always drama this, shooting there, recording here, appearances there. Like now, he was all the way in New York for the promotion for his newest movie. (Something called ‘Sakura something else’.) Huh, it’s not like he needed anymore promotion. His ‘fangirls’ can just spread it all out for him. And word of mouth was so much more efficient.

Do you know that he was known all the way to Holland?

He’d never even been to Holland!

See? Those are the jobs of those wretched things called ‘fangirls’.

He mentioned once that she was just jealous. Jealous! Ha! That’ll be the day when she’ll ever get jealous over those people! Over fangirls? Not in a million years. But no matter how many times she’d said that she’s NOT jealous, he’d still talk her about it.

And what does that spell?


She glanced at the ticking clock. It was 11.30 pm. It… should be morning there, right? About 9:30am there.



Maybe a little call wouldn’t hurt.

“Hello? Jun-kun?”

She could practically hear his smirk over the phone.

“Missed me, huh, Chiaki?”

A thought ran through her mind:


oc: kimura chiaki, ♥ Matsujun

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