Naruto Fic: "those bitter words"

Apr 14, 2013 22:36

It's been like, forever since I posted something here, and something Naruto-related. But life's been busy, what with being an adult with a job and all that, so hey, not much time for me to do much as of now ( Read more... )

character: uzumaki karin, character: haruno sakura, ff: naruto - post-kg, ff: oneshots, character: yamanaka ino, character: uchiha sasuke, themed comms: fanfic100, ff: naruto - manga!verse, rating: pg, fandom: naruto, ship: sasuke/karin, ship: sasuke/sakura

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Comments 4

misaoshinomori April 16 2013, 01:58:03 UTC
This was happy yet heart breaking. It kind of sucks that it takes her such a long time to finally let it go, but love is stubborn that way. I really liked how this was written from her perspective and that she was able to find some semblance of family with Naruto. Thank you for writing this great one shot =3


ayumi_nb April 18 2013, 00:29:17 UTC
Like I said, I never liked Karin, she's like all of Sasuke's fan girls from the early chapters put together. But I do kind of respect her, also she's related to Naruto and I love that boy to pieces, so...

Also, why do I picture her still being a fan girl? Because, unlike Sakura, Karin didn't get to see any of the moments in which Sasuke is a caring friend, willing to risk his life for his team. With her, Sasuke was the leader, the avenger obssessed with killing everyone standing in his way of his revenge. And yet she's still inftuated with him (you can't tell me that's love).

And I'm rambling. :P Thanks for commenting though!


cutecrazyice April 17 2013, 13:51:47 UTC
I loved this. Beautifully written and it made me feel. Thank you for writing this!


ayumi_nb April 18 2013, 00:30:00 UTC
No, thank you for reading!


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