Yeah SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much has happened since the last time I was on this thing that I have had no time to update. :o oops Okay first off I've been starting these "driving lessons" hah yeah right.
You know what we did last time? We did his errands-yeah that's right, cashed a few checks, got some gas etc. Talk about money's worth. And then 3 Saturdays ago I babysat my little cousin. What a living nightmare. I didn't mention I also baysat the neighbor's kid too. They had the cutest dog
Those babies were cute and all too but they screamed and cried most of the night. The nieghbor was a little girl who was like 9 months and my cousin is a year. At first when they were asleep in their crips I was like "aww how cute I can't wait to have kids"
Yes they were adorable, but then they woke up at like 11 and would not go back to sleep until 3 am!!!
So they played a few times
But I was so tired!!! And I just wanted to go to sleep so I fake cried which entertained them for awhile but then they started to cry again! So I had to say "Nono I was just kidding see! Happy!"
Then the next Saturday me and Kris went to the American Idol auditions. Then that night me, kel, garrett, ciara, and some other people went cosmic bowling. Kelly brought along the electronic baby but she ended up leaving it in the trunk.
Me and Ci took so many pictures of ourselves
Yeah we're conceded lol-no we just have this problem where if we take a picture of ourself alone we look like crap and we have to be in a pictures with others to be photogenic
Awww kelly and garrett
Ci's mom thinks he's a hottie
Then the next day I went to Hospice and then to Ciara's Sunday dinner with her family-they're so nice! And oh my gosh Geege is the best cook ever
We went to Walgreens for awhile and Ciara drove!
Oh yeah did I mention I cut my hair and dyed it dark??
When we got back I rode one of those kid's electric Jeeps! Wahhooo-belonged to her cousins
Then this past week on the half day Kim, me, ci, shannon, ryan, glen, and justin were at Ryan's house and watched Dan Cook and Fight Club
Yeah we are some fuckin hot porn stars
Then we ordered sbarros pizza yuuuuuuummm
That was so fun "Your choice holy man!!! Choose Wisely!" hahahha
Then tonight I'm goin to the mercury game. WOAHHOOO Life is fun