I, personally would love to experience an initiation ceramony. There is just something about it that.. I don't know.. makes me feel like I belong? I am finding that I need a sense of that in my life for some reason.
As we talked..azadioFebruary 18 2005, 00:31:53 UTC
There are some meetups I will be attending:
The Tucson Witches Meetup Group Tucson, AZ Next event: Tuesday, February 22 at 7:00 PM
The Tucson Thelema Meetup Group Tucson, AZ Next event: Wednesday, February 23 at 7:00 PM
If you go to Meetup.com you can find out locations and such.. In addition if you join the AzThelema Yahoo group you will see adds for various festivals, workshops, public rituals, open meetings, and more. I would be more then happy to sit over a cup of coffee and chat regarding Magick, Initiation, Philosophy and such..
I agree on the sense of belonging. One of the benefits of being in the Order is that we all share that common experience.
Perhaps we will bump into each other one of these days.. Tucson is a Large spread out city anymore, however it never loses that small town feel. I am always running into the same crowd or friends of friends all the time. The magickal community here is even smaller.
The present Frater Superior once looked at me with that bemused look you don't want to see on his face especiall if you're me, and said, "You're the only person I know who ever learned anything from Louis Culling".
But, damn right, I learned a great deal from Culling. He wasn't a great writer, rather awkward at that, but he knew his stuff a lot better than most serious students of magick seem to acknowledge. If you haven't read his "Sexual Magick" please do. Ignore the hokey personal anecdotes, and look at the system, which can be linked right back through Russell, Crowley and Ruess to P.B. Randolph and his Brotherhood of Eulis, the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light, and the other pioneers of the central gnosis.
He is definitely a link in the authentic tradition.
Apparently it is in our Bodies Library.. so I will have to check it out. Thank you for the referance..
I think the work is great. It is much more complex then what I did, however it is right on par. I think it is a system that does have something to offer and well worth looking into.
Hello Azadio. funghoul noted that you have a Live Journal. I value the perceptions and insights of others on matters I also deem important. Therefore, I have added you, as I enjoy your thoughts (and your hospitality, as I have been given the pleasure). I'm glad you do not mind and better yet, have reciprocated...*smiles*
Agreed on the point of an initiation lending to (if not precipitating) a most profound shift in perceptions. Those whom I've met that have proceeded through a self-initiation also remark on a shift and recall it with a joy. However, an entrance/welcoming/start within a more formal context, amongst those whose presence quickens your being, most assuredly makes for something not to be underestimated.
Comments 7
The Tucson Witches Meetup Group
Tucson, AZ
Next event: Tuesday, February 22 at 7:00 PM
The Tucson Thelema Meetup Group
Tucson, AZ
Next event: Wednesday, February 23 at 7:00 PM
If you go to Meetup.com you can find out locations and such.. In addition if you join the AzThelema Yahoo group you will see adds for various festivals, workshops, public rituals, open meetings, and more. I would be more then happy to sit over a cup of coffee and chat regarding Magick, Initiation, Philosophy and such..
I agree on the sense of belonging. One of the benefits of being in the Order is that we all share that common experience.
Perhaps we will bump into each other one of these days.. Tucson is a Large spread out city anymore, however it never loses that small town feel. I am always running into the same crowd or friends of friends all the time. The magickal community here is even smaller.
But, damn right, I learned a great deal from Culling. He wasn't a great writer, rather awkward at that, but he knew his stuff a lot better than most serious students of magick seem to acknowledge. If you haven't read his "Sexual Magick" please do. Ignore the hokey personal anecdotes, and look at the system, which can be linked right back through Russell, Crowley and Ruess to P.B. Randolph and his Brotherhood of Eulis, the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light, and the other pioneers of the central gnosis.
He is definitely a link in the authentic tradition.
I think the work is great. It is much more complex then what I did, however it is right on par. I think it is a system that does have something to offer and well worth looking into.
Agreed on the point of an initiation lending to (if not precipitating) a most profound shift in perceptions. Those whom I've met that have proceeded through a self-initiation also remark on a shift and recall it with a joy. However, an entrance/welcoming/start within a more formal context, amongst those whose presence quickens your being, most assuredly makes for something not to be underestimated.
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