1. When I observed that Clara was "the embodiment of the show's history" I didn't expect her to be that quite so literally. *g*
2. I think I've finally figured out, at least in part, the significance of why Clara almost always wears red or blue. The Doctor's timeline, when it was healthy and normal, was blue. It turned red when the Great Intelligence crossed into it. Hence why every time Eleven met Clara for the first time, she was wearing red. Which means blue means...everything's going to be okay? Not sure. And I haven't the foggiest clue what--if anything--the significance of the brown is (Crimson Horror, some of the 60s/70s scenes in NotD).
3. Now I totally want a graphic of some sort of Clara with the text, "I'm like the arrow that springs from the bow. The path is clear," etc, on it. Because she is TOTALLY Jeffrey Sinclair. ;-)
4. For the Big Finish fans, she's also a much, erm, less psychotic version of Mila. *g*
5. And thinking about it, this episode doesn't just explain Clara. It also explains Quantum Leap. ;-) Because obviously what Sam did when he created the Accelerator was invent a device that allowed him to travel along his own timeline. *g* And he's stuck because, when he stepped into it, he made his timeline, well, a big tangled mess. (Someone's going to write that crossover for me, right? ;-) )
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