Ah yes, the moron magnet is strong in me today..

Apr 07, 2006 14:43

I *really* do not have time to be LJ-ing but I was about to lose my mind, so here I am. The University mall is calling me... Boba Tea being in the food court there now and all...

I kinda wanted to rant about the moron magnet I seem to be waring today, but the morons have sucked all of the energy out of me today...

So I get this email (names, etc masked so I don't get in trouble):

-----Original Message-----
From: ::some moron::
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 10:28 AM
To: Navarro, Allison
Subject: Fw: Out of Office AutoReply: XXX-XXX-XXX1, XXX-XXX-XXX2, XXX-XXX-XXX3
----- Forwarded by ::some moron:: on 04/07/2006 10:27AM -----
From: ::some moron::
To: ::my boss::
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: XXX-XXX-XXX1, XXX-XXX-XXX2, XXX-XXX-XXX3

I will be out of the office on Wednesday, 4/5, through Friday, 4/7. During
my absence, please contact the following people:

Bill View issues - Allison Navarro, 8139793770
Consolidator Gateway - ::one of my team members::
Retype issues - Allison Navarro, 8139793770
OOM/LOE issues - Allison Navarro, 8139793770

Any other issues needing my attention during this time, please contact Allison Navarro (8139793770).

Otherwise I will respond to your email when I get back to the office.

I sent this back:

Hi ::some moron::,

Can you send me the email w/ the Subject "XXX-XXX-XXX1, XXX-XXX-XXX2, XXX-XXX-XXX3"? This is just ::my boss::'s out of office notification.



From: ::some moron::
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 2:24 PM
To: Navarro, Allison
Subject: RE: Out of Office AutoReply: XXX-XXX-XXX1, XXX-XXX-XXX2, XXX-XXX-XXX3

Thank you for the information--cu is "hot" to get bills to Bill Consolidator --cannot get into reg admin tool. what a day! ha

I'm... just... ah... hmmmm. Exactly what information did I provide to her??? Sooo confused by the morons today... Not only that, but consolidator is the ONE thing I am listed as NOT being a contact for on the OOO email from my boss...

This is just one example.. I am having several episodes today... some much worse than this.... Kill Me... Please.


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