7 Iyar 5765
They say thinking is dangerous. Dangerous to what? I'll tell you what: yourself and yourself alone.
So you think and you think,
the thoughts are flowing,
take them down like a drink,
but they only keep growing.
They bubble up and consume you,
take over and doom you,
and then it is not you who takes in the thoughts but the thoughts that take in you.
And the drink has made you drunk, the ideas too complex to keep straight now.
Where did you begin? Where can you go? You are lost.
So searches for truth end in bumbling pain,
the sunshine and glow fade to darkening rain.
The day draws to an end, look back where you started;
it passed you, up ahead is where you departed.
Now one step forward and twice step back is the dance of your mind,
and you find that your bind is now unrefined,
entwined and unkind as you wish to rewind
but the present must remind
so you carry on blind.