(no subject)

Jan 09, 2006 02:34

Geekdom ensues below.

Why is it that basic economics is so hard for people to grasp? Failing that, why is it that people have such a breathtakingly inflated sense of entitlement? I am, of course, referring to the clientele of Games Workshop, yer friendly neighborhood toy soldier manufacturer/hook up. They make Warhammer, for the non geeks among us.
At a forum dedicated to warhammer I tend to lurk at, yet another angry and impassioned argument has arisen over the business practices of GW, and as usual, everyone involved is an idiot. There are legitimate complaints, to be sure. For example, the people running the company have the business acumen of squirrels with down syndrome and a meth addiction, and they're going to go out of business and kill my toy soldier hook up. (Dammit.) That said, it's a niche market, and it's tough to support a company that size with so restricted an interest, and they have to constantly struggle just to stay afloat. This has for some time now translated itself into price hikes, to the consternation and perpetual temper tantrums of forum goers world wide.
This brings us to the subject of my rant. Who told these people that the right to buy plastic soldiers at a certain price was handed down from God on high in the beginning of time? It's their freaking company! They can charge whatever the hell they want! Ok, sure, if we were talking about selling bread to starving orphans, you could say they had an obligation to keep prices down. But they make plastic orcs!
My favorite was the man who insists that it is a rip off, as it is priced higher than it is worth, but that he would keep buying them anyway because he wanted them that badly. I'm half convinced he's deliberately baiting people, because that's just dumb. Contradiction in terms, even. If you're willing to spend the money, it's worth it. If it's not worth it, don't buy it. But don't not buy it because you hope they'll get the message and bring the price down-even odds, they'll stop selling it instead. Stop buying it because you'd rather spend your money on something else instead.
Unfortunately, most people are doing just that. Hell, I have, to some extent. I only have so much money to spend on my entertainment, and with the latest price hike shiny objects are a much more efficient option. I'm willing to accept buying fewer orcs than before, except that no one is giving money to GW anymore. Between pricing themselves out of the market and their arbitrary sales restrictions, they're shooting themselves in the foot. I really don't understand what their strategy trolls are thinking sometimes. I just hope they stop the stupid from eating their brains before they drive the company completely into the ground-I don't buy that much anymore, but I'd just as soon still be able to buy it.
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