When the counts started coming in my brain reacted by shutting my body down for three hours for a good sleep. The subconcious motive, I suspect, was a belief that things would improve later on, so I might as well sleep for a while and thus wake up to pleasant results.
Naturally, I woke up to discover the news was as bad as it had been when I went to sleep, and, worse, we Arizonans had managed to pass the abominable Prop 200.
We're collectively bigger idiots than I had thought, and it is with this realization that I understand my gradual metamorphosis into the form of Ambrose Bierce. Eventually I will disappear into Mexico, never to be seen again, leaving behind much literary nastiness and an indelible mystery.
By then, however, no-one will be able to read...even if people were allowed to have books anymore.
Comments 4
Four more years with the Monkey Man... This is going to suck.
Four more years with the Monkey Man... This is going to suck.
Naturally, I woke up to discover the news was as bad as it had been when I went to sleep, and, worse, we Arizonans had managed to pass the abominable Prop 200.
We're collectively bigger idiots than I had thought, and it is with this realization that I understand my gradual metamorphosis into the form of Ambrose Bierce. Eventually I will disappear into Mexico, never to be seen again, leaving behind much literary nastiness and an indelible mystery.
By then, however, no-one will be able to read...even if people were allowed to have books anymore.
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