"Ryou and Yami Yugi. In a world where dinosaurs rule, one man stood up to them." 519 words
When it says Yugi, it means Yami Yugi. Also Bakura means Ryou. Because fuq fanon that’s what they’re called in canon.
"Alright, that's round ten. The Ressurection spell is complete," said Bakura. "Welcome back to the party."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," said Jonouchi, still hiding his head in his arms on the table.
"Well that was a waste," said Honda. Jonouchi glared at him. "You're paying me back for that diamond, right?"
"Keep it up and I won't."
"Shall we move on?" said Anzu.
"Roll to advance," said Bakura. The red die landed on 3. The four of them picked up their characters and held them above the canyon illustration while Yugi opened up that section of the board, to the swirl of reds and yellows that Bakura had painted the grey plastic cliff walls. They set them down at the entrance.
Yugi cleared his throat. "'Your party enters the ravine, intending to take a shortcut to the Temple of Jade. The ravine is dark and deep, full of crawling things, and beyond the reach of the Ley Lines.'" He put down the scenario. "Ok, so here the odds of encountering a dinosaur, a beast, or a creature increases to 50% per tile, but there are no magical beings."
"Works for me," mumbled Jonouchi.
Honda jabbed him in the side. "And who's the one who chose armor with no magical protection?" Jonouchi grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back.
"I'm gonna take yours if you don't shut up!"
Bakura ignored them both. "Encounter roll." 68. "Darn."
Yugi rolled his dice. "'A pterosaur swoops out of the sky and attempts to steal your equipment.' Roll for success in holding on to it."
"Pterosaurs aren't dinosaurs," said Bakura.
Yugi stared. "It's listed as a dinosaur here."
"But they're not."
"It doesn't matter. The scenario says they're dinosaurs, so they're dinosaurs."
"No, I'm not going to have my equipment stolen by a not-dinosaur," said Bakura.
"We're in a deep dark ravine, how the heck did it even fly down here?" said Jonouchi.
Yugi shook his head, irritated. "Ok, fine. 'You are attacked by a Dimetrodon.' It's back-fin decreases the odds of making a damaging attack by 15%."
"Dimetrodons aren't dinosaurs either! They're not even diapsids!" said Bakura.
The four of them gaped. Yugi's ears started turning red. "It's description says it has saber teeth! It lives in a world that has witches and Grues!" he said. "It says it's a dinosaur, so it's a dinosaur. Why are you expecting it to be realistic?"
"So just make it a beast instead," said Honda. "There's beasts in here too, right?"
"But that would totally throw off the balance of the game," said Bakura. "It doesn't work."
"Come on..." said Anzu.
Yugi suddenly looked off to the side, the look he got when he was having a conversation with himself. The red from his ears migrated onto his cheeks. "Ok, fine, just... let me pick one that I know is a dinosaur." He scanned the scenario. "'You're attacked by a Velociraptor.' It's toe claws give it +2 damage against leather armor and +1 damage against all metal armors."
Bakura clutched the dice. "Why are we only being attacked by one Velociraptor? They're known pack hunters...."