Congress is about to sell out the Internet by letting big phone and cable companies set up toll booths along the information superhighway
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My foot.. dangles over the precipace... my heart beats... baboom... baboom.. baboom..baboom baboom.baboom.baboom.. baboombaboombaboombaboom.... excited! terrified! exhilerated! I can't see through the mist below... but if I don't jump, I'll never know... if I can fly.
1 - Geomancy Class with TS's Mom kicked ass. 2 - Avalon Rising was a fucking blast! 3 - some kind stanger drive way the fuck out of the way to give me a ride home.
4 - I got to see Bella and Ryan... bella - my mailing address is: 5977 Keith Ave. Oakland, CA 94618
I'm working on getting more clients math tutor clients I have two so far one is a 7th grader the other is someone preparing for the GED I want to do more of this I want to do less of coffee ideally I won't have to be a coffee monkey no mo