But after talking to benevolentgoddess, she has persuaded me to have a crack at reading Memoirs of a Lady - What Really happened in the Shrieking Shack. Reg name: Penny Wytenburg Name in program: Sunny33 Link to fic: http://www.thepetulantpoetess.com/viewstory.php?sid=12547 Adult rating: Yes for swearing Full registrationEmail: variantsun@yahoo.com Cell: +64 21 411 062 (txt cheaper as it will rout through NZ) No special issues.
Flock: Snape Meetup Hosted by Snapecast Theme: A meetup for anyone who is obsessed with the one and only Severus Snape. Date/Time: Friday, July 17th - 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Location: The Press Club. We have a private room reserved. It's called the [Potion] Bottle Lounge and is less than a half mile from the hotel.. Wine, soda, appetizers, and some Snapey goodie bags will be available; there is a suggested donation of $10. For more see http://www.pressclubsf.com/. More information: http://community.livejournal.com/azkatraz_snape/ and http://snapecast.com
I'll try and schedule around this as much as possible - Bluey is already scheduled to read at 4:00, and I need to be mindful of Mara's needs in scheduling, but there is no reason why people can go there, some back and take in some readings, and vice-versa. No one is going to want to sit through 6 straight hours of fic, anyway.
The problem is trying to avoid other events, this was the best solution (as far as any of our questions back and forth with the Az coord ascertained).
Comments 57
Reg name: Penny Wytenburg
Name in program: Sunny33
Link to fic:
Adult rating: Yes for swearing
Full registrationEmail: variantsun@yahoo.com
Cell: +64 21 411 062 (txt cheaper as it will rout through NZ)
No special issues.
both are PG
Flock: Snape Meetup Hosted by Snapecast
Theme: A meetup for anyone who is obsessed with the one and only Severus Snape.
Date/Time: Friday, July 17th - 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Location: The Press Club. We have a private room reserved. It's called the [Potion] Bottle Lounge and is less than a half mile from the hotel.. Wine, soda, appetizers, and some Snapey goodie bags will be available; there is a suggested donation of $10. For more see http://www.pressclubsf.com/.
More information: http://community.livejournal.com/azkatraz_snape/ and http://snapecast.com
The problem is trying to avoid other events, this was the best solution (as far as any of our questions back and forth with the Az coord ascertained).
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