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Comments 13

gonrie January 17 2008, 17:36:55 UTC
Can I friend you by the way? I'd like to see the rec!!


gonrie January 17 2008, 17:40:45 UTC
I also have another question (hope I won't sound too stupid...XS)
How do you do a Friend thing. Like you have to add the person so they can see your fav and everything! I'd like to try that too!!
Thank you


aznara January 17 2008, 21:12:30 UTC
Of course you can friend me! I'm adding you right away! But if you want to see my recs, it's here: aznara_recs (I'm sorry but I turned this community on friends-only as well because of this new LJ policy about fandom and all ( ... )


nakairete April 2 2008, 23:23:24 UTC
Euh... J'aime beaucoup les quelques fics que tu as postées sur Fanfiction.net et j'aimerais bien en savoir un peu plus sur toi ^____^, Pourrais-je ?


aznara April 3 2008, 06:04:52 UTC
Hey, merci ! Ce que j'écris n'est pas très intéressant mais bien sûr que tu peux venir ! Avec plaisir...
Oh, et jolie icône... ^^


dhh333 February 4 2009, 15:10:36 UTC
I'm a total Gibbs/Tony fan and think that Tony has it too hard on the story!!

Love Tony and Gibbs REALLY has a beautiful simle that when he does, just lights him up and makes him looked even more gorgeous, and I'm not just saying that..He's the definition of a beautiful smile!!

II totally don't like ziva and nor do I really take to kate.. Abby seems alright, I guess and as for Mcgee, he's ok also, not my favorite or anything but I'm a Gibbs/Tony fan and I also really do like Ducky's character, who doesn't?/

Hope that tells you something about me!!



aznara February 4 2009, 15:19:16 UTC
Oh, wow. You're added, of course. (in fact I added you right away when I saw we had a lot of interests/communities in common: Gibbs/DiNozzo, Jack/Ianto, SasuNaru, Roy/Ed...).

I love Tony and Gibbs from NCIS. And of course, I love when they are together, as you can imagine.
I was kind of... neutral about Kate. Actually, I never manage to really like her, I just found her character too boring (catholic girl, a bit too much "by the book" and all that). But... I really, really love Ziva. She's a kickass woman and I love how she's always teasing Tony. The only thing is... I didn't understand why she didn't invite him to her "party" (I think it's in the Boxed In episode or something like that if I remember correctly) and I still don't understand now, so I have to admit, I'm a bit angry for that. ^^
Abby's cool and Ducky rocks as well. NCIS is a great show (in fact, I'm pretty sure it's my favorite!).

Thank you so much for telling me about yourself! Welcome on my LJ, but you know, I'm a pretty boring girl. ;)


courtberger January 22 2010, 01:14:02 UTC
You were right about the episode, it was Boxed In...sorry, butting out now!


courtberger January 22 2010, 01:13:17 UTC
Hello! We did the same friending meme for Leverage the other day I'm the Hey You chick *laughs*


aznara January 22 2010, 01:17:44 UTC
Hey you there! I'm so glad you're here! ;) (and thanks for the confirmation about NCIS... don't hesitate to comment anytime, it really is okay!)


courtberger January 22 2010, 01:24:10 UTC
Rock on! Thank you for adding me *grins* I'm quite excited!


tika_w February 8 2010, 00:15:15 UTC
hey...I took the liberty to friend you ;)

I love your NCIS recs...and I just saw you also like Merlin :) since we both seemed to like pretty much the same stories in that fandom and I always like reading fandom related chatter I decided I'd like to friend you.

If you want to friend me back I'll be happy, but it's also very much okay, if not, since my lj is pretty much all RL and even though I read a lot of it I rarely write fannish chatter stuff.

anyway...just wanted to say, I'm the girl who just clicked that "friend" button :)


aznara February 8 2010, 11:34:25 UTC
I added you back! Thank you so much for introducing yourself. :D

Also, thank you for the compliment! I love to have feedback on my recs! And we like the same fandoms and stories so of course you're added!
My LJ is mainly fandom related, I talk a lot about my last obsessions, so yeah, be prepared to read a lot of fangirl posts. ^^
Like I said, I don't comment much on RL posts because I always feel like I'm intruding in other lives, you know? But it doesn't mean I won't ever comment. Especially since I read the first line in your last post and it made me laugh really hard: "so I'm supposed to be writing my dissertation at this moment". *lol* Seems like we have quite a lot in common.

Anyway, enough babbling, I'm glad to have you here! Welcome!


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