Title: Oh God...Fangirls...
Pairing: Main focus on JongKey
Genre: General-ish, bits of romance
Disclaimer: I wish I own them, but I don't!~
Summary: Crap...we've been caught... -_-;
Warning: Violent fangirling?!
A/N: Wow, it's been a while since I last wrote up a fic...anyway got this idea from my friend that wrote me a fangirling fic, except it was for
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Comments 13
-whistles nervously-
Me? A fangirl!? -whistles even more nervously-
Oh well, this made me laugh! Just so sad that the Jongkey moment was so short ToT (okay, desperately crazy fangirl, I admit it!)
Hehe, a desperately crazy fangirl xD I'm one too, except in a stalker sort of way! o.o;
Thanks for commenting, I appreciate it~ ♥
be super: DD
aah JongKey is so cute <33!
those crazy fans too O_O xD
I would do the same,
I Jjong abduction (L) * _ *
Then I liked the part where
jonghyun tells those girls
Kibum was a slave to your *_____*!!
would have done the same to them
scream and shout when they heard that ;DD lol xD
thanks for writing <33
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