Title: A New Style...?
Pairing: OnKey
Genre: Oneshot, crack
Disclaimer: I wish I own them, but I don't!~
Summary: Just when all was well, our noona who's in charge of choosing our clothes decides to mess with my head by picking clothes for Key, and he considers it a new style...
Warning: May contain smut?! The whole fic itself may sound just a bit
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Comments 12
Nice job!
Hehe, I thought I didn't make the description of his outfit all that detailed, so I'm glad you were able to fully grasp the concept of his outfit. :P
Thank you for reading! I appreciate it~
Thanks for reading, I appreciate it! ♥
i mean after the previous angst onkey one you write...
*be back later, read first*
I LOVE THIS !!!!!!!!
thank you thank you thank you thank you for writing this. Accept your sorry for making onew cried before lolz!
oh suck, why the cellphone has to ring ?? It ruins the mood ! lolz!
Yeah, I sort of noticed a lot of noonas like OnKey...except for me, I'm a dongsaeng. :P Hehe, cellphone had bad timing! -throws the cellphone against the wall- Curse youu!~ XD Yay, I'm happy that you loved it, keke! Makes me feel happy inside :x
Thanks for reading! I appreciate it~
but this fic def good for the cure, haha ! XXD
I can totaly picture Key wearing those kind of clothes XDD
I loved it!! XD Jinki can't resist Kibum in that outfit!!!
Thank you for sharing~
Yeah, I just was looking at a bunch of their photoshoots, and I suddenly get an image of Key wearing like...REALLY tight shirts...
-drool- XDD
Hehe, of course Jinki can't resist, because Kibum is just HOT like that :33
Thanks for reading! I appreciate it~ ♥
Thank you for reading! I appreciate it~ :D
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