Exactly the answer that I thought. Actually, you might be able to find his mothers maiden name in his family section, oh, and he actually lists why he's single (just check out his personal section)...
See above, if you would have had Date of birth, I would have declared double winners!
The most recent to last is sometimes the best as that is how people want to see it, but sometimes the most relevant info should be at the top, even if it was two positions ago..
Yeah, major dweeb. I'm still surprised when I see resumes like this out there. I'm sure that he does have a different version that he sends out, but who knows!
Technically, starting from the top, the first thing wrong is that he used one accent mark in “résumé”. Leaving them both out is acceptable, or both in, but not one or the other.
Certainly not the WORST problem, but it’s the first.
Comments 37
Let's see:
1. SSN listed
2. DOB listed
3. That he's single (tacky)
Exactly the answer that I thought. Actually, you might be able to find his mothers maiden name in his family section, oh, and he actually lists why he's single (just check out his personal section)...
Guess this guy doesn't believe in TMI.
Aren't you supposed to list everything from most recent to least?
The most recent to last is sometimes the best as that is how people want to see it, but sometimes the most relevant info should be at the top, even if it was two positions ago..
My overall view was that anyone could take his info steal his identity - stupid man.
What a dweeb.
See above for the winner.
Though marital/health status on a resume is up there too.
See above for the winner! :)
Technically, starting from the top, the first thing wrong is that he used one accent mark in “résumé”. Leaving them both out is acceptable, or both in, but not one or the other.
Certainly not the WORST problem, but it’s the first.
What not to wear, meet your counterpart - what not to do on your resume...
See above for the winner!
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