There are moments in time- almost a lapse- where that which matters shifts to be meaningless- and that which was formally meaningless becomes of the utmost importance
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Just bought my train ticket today:) Ill be getting in around 12 in the afternoon saturday- let me know what your schedule is for sat and sun this coming weekend!
YAY!! sat night i'll be (as usual) watching one of my courses via tv (carleton...woo), but sunday we can totally hang out...or sat night after 10pm or so...(that's when the course ends...*sigh*)
:D i'm so excited! we can be all girly n stuff! :P
i'll try to get on to msn soon, so we can discuss stuff. :)
hehe yes I was fine, I didnt come b/c I needed to spend some time with a friend of mine who wasnt at the wedding:) It was fun to meet you, Ill add you now.
Comments 6
kidding. what's eatin ya, hun? ( comin up this weekend?)
:D i'm so excited! we can be all girly n stuff! :P
i'll try to get on to msn soon, so we can discuss stuff. :)
change is a traveling force, sometimes you just gotta go with it and trust it takes you where you need to be.
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It was fun to meet you, Ill add you now.
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