Go read
this. Then come back. It won't make much sense otherwise.
Bearing in mind the meaning of each particular symbol...
Volume One: Slayers
Lina ♥ Gourry ♥ Lina
Sylphiel ♥ Gourry
Gourry+Amelia+Zel ♦ Lina
Naga ♠ Lina (or she tries very hard, anyway.)
Filia ♠ Xelloss
Lina ♦ Xelloss (or she tries, anyway)
Lina ♦ Zelgadiss
Amelia alternately either ♦ or ♥ Zelgadiss
Filia ♣ Xelloss
Martina ♠ Lina (or she tries, anyway)
Martina ♥ Zangulus ♥ Martina
Shabranigdu ♠ Cephied ♠ Shabranigdu
Garv ♠ Ragradia ♠ Garv
...Really, there aren't enough ♦ relationships here. These people are all very unstable.
Volume Two: Leverage
Nate ♥ Maggie ♥ Nate
Nate ♦ his entire team
The team in turn ♦ Nate, but especially Sophie ♦ Nate
Nate ♠ Sterling ♠ Nate
Nate ♣ Sterling
Parker ♥ Hardison ♥ Parker (maybe)
Volume Three: Doctor Who
Given the sheer number of characters, this one is
by no means exhaustive, but. Yeah.
Most if not all companions ♦ the Doctor in all regenerations
Doctor ♠ Master ♠ Doctor
Rose ♥ Doctor
Martha ♥ Doctor
Jack ♥ Doctor
But in all three of the above cases, the Doctor knows he can never have a flushed relationship with a human; it wouldn't be fair to any of them, so he keeps all their relationships pale.
Romana ♥ Doctor ♥ Romana ........if the Doctor has any relationship in the flushed quadrant that we see onscreen, it's probably this.
Doctor ♥ Unknown Time Lord ♥ Doctor ....The Doctor has a granddaughter, therefore...
The Rani
Doctor ♣ Master
....I'll work on this one more later. Pls tell me any thoughts!
Volume Four: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Kamina ♥ Yoko ♥ Kamina
Simon ♥ Nia ♥ Simon
Kittan ♥ Yoko
Adiane ♥ Thymilph ♥ Adiane
Kiyoh ♥ Dayakka ♥ Kiyoh
Kinon ♥ Rossiu and possibly ♥ Kinon
Rossiu ♦ Simon ...or tries, anyway.
Viral ♠ Kamina ♠ Viral
Viral ♠ Simon ♠ Viral ...but not as intensely as the above. And it doesn't last.
...yeah, I'm a giant dork. What of it?