Rare Introspection

Dec 19, 2007 01:15

Well. Why not.

Where did you begin 2007?
Lol. At a random party with Tomica and crew.

What was your Valentine's Day like?
I'm assuming not very interesting - I don't really remember it.

Were you in school (at all) ?
Well, I worked at two Universities.

Did you have to go to the hospital?
Uh, well I did go to the doctor for a checkup.

Did you have any encounters with the police ?
Holy shit - a very scary DUI checkpoint on St. Patrick's day. Whew.

Where did you go on vacation?
Washington, Yosemite, Chicago.

What did you purchase that was over $500?
Haha. I finally completed the penny collection. And I bought a condo. And a car.

Did you know anybody who got married?
Yeah, three biggies. My best friend from high school Cam, and two close college friends, Seth and Whitey. Those were the three I went to. Know plenty more.

Did you know anybody who passed away?
Nobody close to me.

Did you move anywhere?
Yup, down to the LBC.

What sporting events did you attend ?
Oh, good lord. Too many to count. About 3-4 a week. At least.

What concerts/shows did you go to ?
Saw Lakin once, no thanks to Kim.

Where do you live now ?
Long Beach

What was your birthday like ?
Went out for some drinks, but nothing legendary like two years ago.

What's the one thing you thought you would never do but did in 2007?
Well, moving to Socal was definitely not in the grand plan.

What has been your favorite moment(s) ?
Table Mountain with BJ and Matt - Red Wave with JJ, leaving Fresno, Pasadena night, NCAA Tourney, camping in Yosemite.

What's something you learned about yourself ?
I'm growing up. Probably not as fast as I'd hoped, but it does seem to be happening.

Any new additions to your family ?
Ha ha. I hope not.

What was your best month ?
Honestly, I had a pretty good November.

What music will you remember 2007 by ?
Lupe Fiasco!

Made new friends?
Yeah, tons of Long Beach-type people.

Best new friend?
H-Dog probably. Though Kim, P, and Abbey are fighting for a solid female friend spot.

Favorite night out?
There's been plenty. The night before Dave's wedding probably. Oh, and the Lava Lounge in Seattle with shufflepuck.

Any regrets?
No biggies. Not like some past years.

What do you want to change in 2008 ?
I need to decide what I want.

Overall, how would you rate this year ?
Really, not bad. Definitely up there in the better ones.

What would you change about 2007 ?
I would handle my first couple of weeks in Long Beach a little differently.

What did you like most about 2007 ?
Getting settled in SoCal.

Other than home, where did you spend most of your time ?
Ha ha. "Other than Home?" I'm at the Pyramid more than home. Other than that, Rock Bottom, and the earlier half of the year at the DogHouse grill or the Red Wave.

Have any life changes in 2007 ?
Oh, yeah. New job, new car, new city, potential new girlfriend. Pretty busy year.

Change your hairstyle ?
Aside from the receding?

Have any car accidents ?
Yeah! A truck ran me off the road on my way back to Flagstaff to visit my parents. I miss you!

Buy a new car ?
Yeah. A new Corolla to replace the afore-mentioned vehicle.

Get a new job ?
Yeah, joined the LBSU staff as a full time Assistant Director.

How old did you turn this year ?

Do you have a New Year's resolution ?
For 2008? Not year, but I've got a whole week.

Do anything embarrassing ?
Oh, plenty. Nothing epic, fortunately.

What was your favorite purchase ?
For what I got out of it? The Washington trip.

Get married or divorced ?
I didn't actually. We'll see about 2008.

Get arrested ?
Yeah, just missed on St. Patrick's day.

Be honest - did you watch American Idol ?
Nope, I've only seen pieces of it like twice.

Did you get sick this year ?
Not really - pretty good year.

Start a new hobby ?
A new hobby? Not really.

Been snowboarding ?
Yeah, just once, sadly. I'll try to get more in in 2008.

Are you happy to see 2007 go ?
Not like some other years. Personally, I had fun.

Drank Starbucks in 2007 ?
Nope. Not once!

Been naughty or nice ?
Ha ha. More naughty than nice, I'm afraid.

What are you wishing for in 2008 ?

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