Weird story here that will lead into yet another "goddamnit Jax stop fucking talking about your pet character already," but basically, I realized that I don't particularly like the name I gave Bill's other sister. (Refresher: Her name was Faith up until I changed Hope's name to Raye.) But I couldn't figure out what to name her instead. This all is important because a reader for AEM (the one who scored the 300th post) wanted me to write a scene in which the McKenzie family sits down to dinner with Bill as an ixodida, and that's going to be the next extra.
So as I was collecting tabs from Behind the Name, I decided to try poking at Bill Gates's (read: Bill's namesake) Wikipedia entry to see if he had sisters whose names I could borrow.
And he does.
Two of them.
Why I never thought to abuse that Wikipedia entry for references (beyond Bill's middle name -- which is in my headcanon the same as Gates's) is beyond me.
...Although I probably won't actually name the other sister after either sibling. Because, well, I'm not sure they'd fit.
But it at least gave me some inspiration!
Her name is now Christa. (And she may or may not be older than Bill.)
Related note for the other request: Matori's name in AEMverse? Madeline. (I don't care if it's taken in canon.)
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