Hey, guys! Guess what I'm doing whenever I have spare time (which is never but still)! NaNoWriMo~!
Only, uh, my challenge is going to be rather different because oh everything ever in my life. So a few things to note:
Yes, I'm still busy with everything offline, so this is going to be a modified challenge. It's already day three, and obviously, I haven't made my mark yet and probably won't get a chance to catch up. Nonetheless, I'm giving it a shot with these mods:
The Rules
1. The goal is 25k, not 50k. If I surpass 25k, the goal will become 30k. If I surpass 30k, then I'll gun for the full 50. But for now, no time = low bar.
2. No material written before November 1 will count, but all material for incomplete fics will if the added material was created after the start of NaNoWriMo.
3. Academic work does not count. Nor do edits for already completed work (like AEM).
3a. But fragmented work (work that represents only a part of a story) does.
4. The word count total is cumulative across all documents used to write in the challenge. This includes Google Drive docs and Word files; it should also explain why no one document reflects the total number of words as seen on
my public NaNo profile.
5. Word count will be updated on the NaNo profile every night at midnight EST. No exceptions, no lying, no waiting to finish a sentence to update the count.
The Projects
1. That WAS Plan B, a Pokémon fanfic that is essentially the infamous Plot Bunny of Christmas 2010. Summary is included in the public profile. Also considered the "main" work of NaNo 2012.
2. The Runt, a request fic for Ememew.
3. You Gotta Do the Cooking By the Book, a giftfic that's nearing completion for a certain someone's belated birthday.
4. Unnamed AEM-verse request fic for Ememew.
5. Drabble requests.
6. Mary Sue Must Die!, a trainer fic parody in which characters attempt to kill a Mary Sue. It's less moronic than that sounds.
7. Anima Ex Machina, chapter 32 and beyond.
8. Vee, an original fic I've been putzing around with for years. Might be bumped up to NaNo 2013.
The Interactive... Thing
So I was inspired by
this to try an experiment. Basically, you get to watch my progress on different projects in real time via Google Drive. Here's how it works:
1. Follow
my Twitter, which I'll use to announce writing sessions. You can do this by getting a Twitter account and following mine or simply stalking the crap out of it. Or you can skip this step entirely and guess as to when I'll be on. Usually, that'll be in the evenings, my time.
2. Go to the document I'm working on at that moment. There are two you'll want to keep in mind:
Link A for That WAS Plan B and
Link B for Other Stories (everything else I'm working on in one giant doc). I swear, I'll get a Tiny URL or something eventually. But in any case, I'll announce which file I'm on in le Twitter, usually by saying something along the lines of, "Working on: That WAS Plan B (link)"
3. Anyone with the links can access and comment on the stories as they go. That means you can correct what I have to say (although, given that this is NaNo, be warned that I'm not really proofreading and more vomiting words onto the doc), or you can just make general notes. You can even chat with me while I'm writing or kick me when it looks like I'm stalling.
4. At the end of the session or when I switch docs, I'll announce it in a comment on the doc I'm working on before posting something to Twitter. That way, you know if I'm still writing, if I'm on the other document, or if I'm not online at all.
So in short: follow the Twitter, read which doc I'm on, go to the link, comment until I'm done writing, repeat as frequently as necessary until I decide to privatize the docs.
And if no one shows up at all to a writing session, that's okay too! At least my work is backed up via the Google nebula!
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