[ Contact Info and Permissions post]

May 12, 2019 07:56

AIM: milo1047
Email: milo1047 @ gmail.com
OOC Journal:milo1047


TRIGGERS. None I can think of.
MEDICAL INFO. Jaime is a perfectly normal and healthy teenage boy. Except for that alien robot scarab grafted onto his spine.
MENTAL INFO. Pretty mentally stable, no major issues except some lingering guilt about not always being able to save everybody and some other stuff associated with being a kid who faces down the worst humanity (and others) have to offer on a daily basis. As for mental invasion, mind reading and similar? Best avoided. Feel free to try, but Khaji Da does provide him an excellent level of mental defense. Plus he's just a willful guy.
FOURTH-WALLING. Will be discussed on a case by case basis, so please use that handy contact info up there to get in touch.
PHYSICAL CONTACT. Hugs, handshakes, brofists, and so forth are generally acceptable from anyone. You can kiss him as well, but expect it to be awkward and for him to push you away because he has a girlfriend back home.
ROMANCE/SEXUAL RELATIONS. You can try, but Jaime has a girlfriend he's loyal to, considering he's used to the long distance thing. May or may not change depending on chemistry, length of time in Willaknap and so on.
INJURE/KILL. Generally, injury is acceptable because Khaji Da can usually fix him up but good. I'd prefer to avoid death in anything but the most dramatically appropriate instances. In any case, please get in touch with me somehow before doing anything like this.
DEVICE HACKING. Like injury and death, please contact me to talk about this before you do anything.(answer here.)
ANYTHING ELSE. As with any limitations, there are exceptions and rare cases. The best thing to do if you want to do anything serious to/at Jaime is to contact me using the info provided above. Good communication means everybody can have a good time playing our pretend time games. If you have any questions, concerns, plot ideas, etc. feel free to post them here

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