Name- Kathy K. aka Kitti :P
Age- 17
Strong points- Optimisim, always happy it seems, and I don't seem to have a care in the world. And really, I don't. I just like to have fun, I suppose. ^^; At least, I believe you should enjoy things as much as you can.
weak points- Eee, procrastination. I put off things all the time, like doing homework the class before it's due. *sigh* In fact, I should be doing homework now, but am I? Noooo. >_>;; Also, I forget. A lot. =-=;; It's really sad. I mean, I forget. A lot.
interests-Drawing, writing, reading manga, watching anime, video games, cookies, candy, actually most sweets, fruits and asian food for me x), collecting manga, organizing the manga collection, foxes, cats, keeping my things organized in a messy fashion(^-^;), electronic music, kpop, korean stuffles, asian culture...all sorts of fun things. :D
dislikes-Pessimistic people who don't even try to make things better, diseases (ick), bugs, snakes, people ruining my books, pirates, stupid teachers, stupid people in general, stereotypes (REALLY don't like those), really bad smells, bullies, people who give up too easily, did I mention bugs? (>___<)
hobbies-I like to draw manga or doodle, read manga, watch anime, sing, listen to electronic music(usually happy house or nu italo) or kpop, organize books, and play DDR!
pet peeves-AAARRRGH, My biggest one has to be stereotypes of any kind. I smack myself when I catch myself saying one. Also, lacking freedom of opinion. Whether you're for or against homosexuality, or for or against religion, you should respect what they believe as long as they are respectful to your beliefs. Once they cross the borders and harm someone for their beliefs, life sentence for them. >_< *shakes fist*
Favorite color-Lavender and Icy blue. ^^ Together = pretty
Favorite food-Waiii, I like sour candies, and watermelon, and alot of asian food. :D
Favorite sport-I'm not good at sports so...I honestly don't have one. =-=;
Favorite music-Electronic music, sub-genres: nu italo and happy house! =D Classical techno is awesome too.
List your three favorite genre in movies/anime/books/etc- Comedy, comedy, comedy. If it isn't funny, more than likely I won't watch it. Well, I do also like...twisting anime/books or things you'd NEVER expect. I love messing with my mind. o_o
favorite character (explain why if you please- I'd have to say definately Osaka. Just because, she can lose her mind with ease, and I feel like I can relate to her. :P I also like Yukari-sensei cuz...she's Yukari-sensei. xD
jealous or vengeful? Jealous. I don't think I can be vengeful unless it's something like...*throws cookie at you*
dominant or submissive? I'm more of a submissive type, but I can be dominant when I want to I think.
your goal in life? To be happy really. And I guess, being a manga artist. :D
Decribe your personality in a few words: Kind, energetic, crazy, forgetful, lazy, weird, eccentric, happy, optimistic.