Name- Michael / Spark
Age- 19
Strong points- Moderately intelligent, can be entertaining/witty, generally a nice person.
Weak points- Lazy. Oh christ, so lazy. Not too physically fit. Easily distracted.
Interests- Anime, sleep, video games, the life of leasure, cats.
Dislikes- Not sleeping. Early morning classes.
Hobbies- Using my computer. Watching anime. Wasting time with friendly folks.
Pet peeves- People who won't stop talking. Stubbing toes. Missing sleep.
Favorite color- Blue
Favorite food- Steak is usually good. And I haven't had it in a while. A long while.
Favorite sport- Does bowling count? If not, uh, baseball.
Favorite music- No favorite here. If something sounds good, I like it. If it doesn't sound good, I don't. Though I hate Country music.
List your three favorite genre in movies/anime/books/etc- Comedy, Mystery, Action
Favorite character (explain why if you please)- Favorite... let's see. Osaka amuses me the most, I guess. I just love how she completely spaces out. Also her slow, lazy way of talking amuses me.
Jealous or vengeful?- Is this an either/or...? I'm typically neither, though if someone pisses me off enough, I can be pretty vengeful.
Dominant or submissive?- Retalitorily Dominant. More or less submissive until someone tries to be overly dominant, then I become dominant over them.
Your goal in life?- To make money. So that I can relax for the rest of my life.
Decribe your personality in a few words: I'm no good at self description.